Chapter 12

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Night's POV
I arrived at school a little later than usual this morning because Ongsa woke up late. As I was entering the front gate, a loud motorcycle engine filled up the whole parking lot. Typical North, arriving last minute. I turned around, all excited to greet him, but... who's that sitting behind him? The figure took off her helmet and revealed a beautiful girl. They both smiled at each other before she walked towards the gate. Could it be possible I was just one of North's toy this whole time?
I walked inside before he could see me.
The first period was Chemistry. North usually sits beside me in every class but this time he only smiled and waved at me, and sat at the very back. I turned around to see him because it's unusual for him to not sit beside me, only to see that he was sitting beside the girl he went together with this morning. Seriously, Norh? You've set your bar that low?
The teacher assigned us a group project and the names of the group members are generated from Spin the Wheel. A few minutes later my name was picked. "Night, you're in group 4" she said as she wrote down my name on the board alongside with other group members. "Okay the next one is—" the wheel slowed down and stopped at "—North."
I really didn't have the energy to talk to him today, but before I could say anything, North had his gentle hands on my back and said "Hey" and sat beside me before other group members start sitting around me too. I only looked at him but I didn't say anything nor did I smile.
"Okay so— we have 4 topics to do. North, Night, you'll do *whatever two topics in chemistry*, Klai and I will do *two topics idk*."
The two of them left the table so it was just North and I. "Hey, you okay? Why so glum?" he asked me but I ignored him again. He shook his head before looking back at the book. "So— which one do you wanna do? We still have some time before the bell rings."
I shrugged my shoulder for an 'up to you' signal without saying a word, so he said "Uhh... I'll do *whTever topic* then. Is it okay?" he asked while I just nodded.
He started writing on the worksheet while going on Google back and fourth to search for the answers. He might be failing all his classes, but at least he has the effort to try and solve the problems. He looked like he was struggling and I couldn't help but smile because his confused face looked a little funny. I wanted to help him but I'm still holding onto the silent treatment I'm giving him. The bell eventually rang and I got up before him and walked outside. I went to the canteen to get some sweet drinks because at this point if North turns bitter, I'll need something diabetic-ally sweet. I was enjoying my cha yen while walking down the hallway, casually looking around. In the distance, I saw North walking with the same girl. They were giggling and laughing, and North even rubbed her head and teasing her. Suddenly, North looked at my way, smiled, and ran towards me. I could tell my expression was full of anger, so I turned around because if I looked at him any longer I'm probably going to burst.
"Night, wait."
I stopped walking but I didn't even bother to turn around and look at him.
"What's wrong? Why are avoiding me? You haven't said a single word since I started talking to you this morning"
"So what?"
"So what? What do you mean? Night, I'm not a psychology student, will you let me know what you're thinking? I can't understand you."
"Good then. Maybe you'll understand that girl from Chemistry you've been getting close to"
"What girl?"
Are you joking, North? You've been getting close to that girl and expected me to pretend like nothing happened? I knew you were slow, but I didn't think you'd be this dumb.
"You're joking, right? The girl from before. You know, if you don't like me anymore, just say so." I said angrily.
North paused, still trying to process things before saying "Oh! Her! Night, I think you misunderstood me here—"
"Bullshit" I cut him off.
"What— No—" he said before getting his phone out and dialed someone. "Nara, can you come here for a second?"
Oh. That bitch's name is Nara, like the deer. I hope you don't get mauled by a lion.
The girl appeared from the side and approached North "What's up phi?"
Both North and Nara looked at me before North said "Night, this is my sister, Nara. She just moved here from Singapore and our mom placed her in the same school as me so I can look out for her."
Crap. Is he being for real?
"Oh, so this is Night! The one my brother has been talking about non stop. Nice to meet you phi, I'm Nara, North's sister."
I raised both of my eyebrows, feeling guilty while my mouth is shaped like an O 😯. Shit, I think they're being for real.
"You believe me now?" said North.
"Wait what happened?" asked Nara.
"Night here thought you were my girlfriend or something. That's why I asked you to come down because he misunderstood the situation."
"So... no girlfriends in your life?" I asked, ensuring that he's not in a talking stage with anyone else.
"You're the only one that I talk to, Night."
You're the only one that I talk to, Night... How my heart melted after listening to those words.
"I'm sorry I misunderstood you." I apologized.
"It's okay.I would've done the same thing if I were you. I should've introduced her to you earlier."
We looked longingly at each other before Nara cut us off. "Am I still here? You know what, I'll just go. You go be with each other or whatever, make out, I don't care." Nara rolled her eyes before walking away.
Are we really taking the next step after this? We'll see.

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