Chapter 15

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North's POV
I ran upstairs to my room where Night is. Oh, have I mentioned that he never actually sleeps in the guest bedroom that I provided for him? He showers, gets ready, and hangs out in that room, but when it's time for bed, he'd knock on my door and adorably says "Bedtime!" before jumping on the bed like a little kitten.
I was going to wake him up to tell him that we've got his sister's blessing, but I saw that he was already in a deep sleep so I just hopped on the bed with him and set my alarm early just how he likes it. He's now more comfortable sleeping on my bed that he improved from sleeping on the very corner to sleeping nearly in the middle. I laid close to him as my fingers brushed the tiny strands on his hair. I smiled and whispered "Good night, my Night sky." before shutting my eyes.
I was woken up by the alarm at 6.30 in the morning. I looked beside me to see that Night have just woken up too. He stretched his arms before opening his sleepy eyes. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?" I asked.
"I don't need to answer that because you already know that I always have a good night's sleep whenever I sleep on your bed. Never slept on a softer bed other than yours." he said before getting up and leaving the room.
"Where are you going?"
"I need to shower"
"Shower in my room"
I never offered anyone to shower here before, not even Ongsa. Both my bedroom and bathroom are my most sacred place and I don't just invite anyone random to enter.
"Because the shower is nicer"
"Something about the water force I don't know, you're asking too much questions, I just want you to shower here. The towel and an extra toothbrush is under the sink."
Night smiled downwards before walking towards the bathroom door. He takes really long in the shower and listens to music, while I'm a fast shower taker who prefers to shower in silence so I only take less than 5 minutes so I went to the guest room to shower before he finishes.
I finished dressing up and by the time I went back to my room, he had just walked out the door.
"I was gone for so long and you've only just finished?"
"You know I poop too"
"Hurry up and put on your uniform. Nara and Ongsa are downstairs already."
"Yes sir!"
We all sat down for breakfast like a happy family and took turns talking and shared laughs. This is the first breakfast I've ever had in this table with this many people even though it's just the four of us. Usually it's me alone, me and Ongsa, or me and Nara, but never all of us like this. I like this feeling.
We all finished eating by 7.20 before heading out to the garage. Ongsa's been here a lot, so she knows there the garage is full of my father's car collection. I rarely drive my dad's car because I always feel like it's not for me to use even though he already said "Feel free to use it incase it rains" but I chose not to because I'd rather drive my motorcycle in the rain that I worked hard and paid for. But this time I decided to drive since the four of us are going together.
We entered the garage and the first thing Night said was "Woah! It's like a showroom!"
I took the car key of the SUV Porsche and opened the door to the front passenger's seat.
"Night" I said, signaling him to sit down. He the brow-raise and downward smile before sitting down.
"You're not gonna open the door for me too?" said Ongsa.
"Do you not have hands? Open it yourself" I replied before going to the driver's seat.
We arrived at school a little early today, but there's been a change in our schedule so Night and I are in different classes. I pat his head before we went our separate ways and told him "Have fun in class, Night."
I know he likes it when I call him by his name because psychology says it shows affection since names are a pretty personal thing which is why they're meant for special moments and special people, and it also means that they already consider you as one of the most important people in their life. 
I entered the classroom to find out Sociology class hasn't started yet. 9 more minutes. To pass the time, I went on my phone to text Night.

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