Chapter 10: Rainbow Road

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I groaned as I sat down on the floor, although I didn't do much in the fight, mainly cause Mario was Dk's main target, I was still sore from whatever the hell I did. Plus, slamming my ribs on the metal ribs, as well as my face being hit with a barrel. The adrenaline was so much for me that I didn't even feel or notice it until now. Oh but Mario. Poor Mario.

I watched as Peach pressed an ice pack onto his cheek making him hiss and groan.

He looked like he was used as a personal punching bag. Which I wouldn't be wrong if that was the case. Dk absolutely rocked his shit, before Mario got that cat power up. Speaking of, Toad handed me back my phone earlier, and I giggled stupidly at the cat Mario pictures. Although they were a bit blurry. But I didn't care, I got me some Blackmail now.

"That was INCREDIBLE!! He kept beating you senseless and you just kept getting back up?! You just don't know when to quit!!" Peach said, impressed with Mario's determination and will to keep fighting.

"He's a bit of stubborn ass. It's Effective." I snort and Mario looks at me with raised eyebrow, before looking back at Peach.

"Well, I never thought of that as a good thing..." he said with a smile. Peach just held her hands together, a smile still on her face.

"It's a GREAT thing. And Y/n what was that whole- Water thing!! It was beautiful..." She then asked, turning her attention to me. Which I wasn't expecting because it caught me off guard.

"Yeah, I want to know the answer to that too..." Mario said, crossing his arms with a frown. I looked down shamefully a bit.

"I...I have no clue what it was...It was like, something just snapped and I went blank. I don't know how I did seems to only happen as a defensive mechanism." I explained, yet there was nothing else I could say about it.

"So you've used it before?" Mario pressed

"Yeah. Back at the dark lands when I was being tackled. But it wasn't anything like what happened just then...the only clue that I know could to lean us anywhere is this..." I say moving my hair away from the symbol on my forehead. The two gasped, Peach getting a closer look.

"I've seen this symbol before...but where...?" She muttered

"How long have you had this?" Mario asked in commanding tone.

"As long as I could remember. Ever since I was born I believe...or well taken in my Dad and Pa." I shrugged

"And you never told Luigi and I?!" Mario looked a little hurt by this, I went to say something but, I couldn't form words. Toad, from beside me patted my arm in attempt to comfort me. All I could was shrug and thank him for the support.

Suddenly the door beside us burst opened, and Dk came out with stitches in his head. I practically wince at it. Looked at all gross.

"I LET YOU TWO WIN!! Just for the record!!" He shouts, denying that he actually lost to Mario and I. Mario looked at him, leaning sassily on the fence next to him.

"Really? Why would you do that?" He said, knowing that Dk doesn't actually have a reason nor an answer.

"You want to know why? It's- MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!" Dk yells as he grabs barrel, narrowly missing Mario's head.

"Wow-DUDE!! Seriously grow up!! You lost!!" I yell at him, "AND STOP THROWING BARRELS AT US?!"

"Alright giant monkey." Mario seethed, giving Peach his ice back as he got ready to throw some hands with Dk all over again. That was before Kranky King stopped them.

"Enough!! Get inside!!" The old king groaned, and we all bundled up in the small hut. Peach and Kranky Kong began going over the map. Dk ate the bananas that hung next to him in his bed. Hamper. Thing. I forgot what they're called alright...

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