He's your music teacher

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Today you got up and you were feeling that you should learn a instruments so you sat on the net and searched for music classes near by you found three classes but one caught your eyes He's 18 years and is in a band so you thought you'd go and check it out


You reached the house it was big and a little creepy you thought what if he's a rapist or something but you rang the bell and after a few minutes the door swung open reveling a tall brown eyes black and a little blonde hair in the front hair boy he was breath taking "yes may I help you" he snapped you from your thoughts "a I read online that there are classes um music class? " "oh shit" he whispered "oh okay come in" you walked in and the house looked beautiful it was really well maintained "so what do you teach" "well I can teach you many things" he smirked "but in instruments I can teach you the bass" "ohk cool so when can we start oh and btw I'm Y/N " "Calum... you have a nice bass but we also need a bass guitar" he smirked oh boy that smirk is killing me the class gonna be fun "no I don't have one" "ok then let's get one" "now" "yeah now" "ok" your'll walked down to a music shop he show you the bass guitar and one caught your eyes it's "cool choice" "thanks" "ok so first step done now we can't start off tomorrow" "ok" "bye" "yeah bye" and you drove home with your new bass you were really happy and excited about the class tomorrow

(There 3 parts)

Calum Hood Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن