Your Insecure

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So now your school was having a flash mob in a mall you were really excited about it so you added your name and went along with the others for practice you reached there and it was a gym where your'll were gonna prax you has your long track pant and a tank top You told cal that your gonna dance so he promised he'll be there it was in the same evening so your just had 3,4 hours to practice... now your standing and looking at the
dancers and trying to pickup the step the dance teacher was very sweet to you showin you the steps then she walks around to show others suddenly the "Queen Bee" walked in with her 2 dolls all of them wearing shots and crop tops you were trying to ignore them and walked to the conner but in vain the head walked right nextto you and said " OMG!! Look who's going to dance in the flash mob "Miss.Pig" I hope the ground don't break " she said to you and all your class mate started laughing you held strong and said " whatever just hold on tight and don't fly to high" (sorry don't know if that's a thing to say XP)
The teacher silenced the class and started the music every now and there QB gave you dirty looks while dancing you looked at yourself in the mirror and thought I'm I really that fat or something why does everyone hate for sure calum hates me too I'm just a fat ugly pig you we giving hate words to yourself "hey Miss. Pig oh...sorry I mean Y/n could you please consecrate" your teacher called that was the end your teacher said that in front of the whole class you couldn't hold it anymore you ran straight into the dressing room thing why why did I come what a big fucking mistake you ran straight the room and on your way you dashed into someone you dint care you just ran you opened the door and locked it behind you and sat down and started crying hard the whole world hated you "Y/n baby babe open the door sweetie whats wrong" calum shouted "No go away no one love me uhgg no one even wants to see my fat ugly face" you choked out "Aww babe what's wrong why you crying" calum spoke softly "no go away go away " you cried "please babe please open up please I love you no matter what you are the best your not ugly nor fat your face body everything is beautiful please" after a few minutes you opened up calum broke down looking at you your pale skin puffy eyes "babe what wrong you were dancing so well I seen you from out and hear the teacher call you pig and it got to me and I fired the hell out of her how fucking she say somethings about you " he said and wrapped you around him and sat on the floor wiping your tears and then wiping a few of his " your the love of my life babe I love you alot you are the best girlfriend and most beautiful girl Ever" he said and kissed you passionately with full love then you pull away and rested your head on his chest "I love you too calum" "babe how about we fuck the flash mob and.....I got tickets to your favourite band" he said pulling out two tickets you jumped on his lap and pulled him for another kiss then you two fucked the flash mob and went for the show and throughout calum won't stop telling you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you

Uhg this one sucks I hope it's okay well this happen to me calum hood to make me smile

Hey guyz feel free to comment anything my faults.. any ideas...want me to write a imagine with your name ^-^
ly 5sos lovers

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