Cake likes you

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I leaned against the railing with a beer in my hand, watching calum and Ashton attempt to roast marshmallows in the fire pit. "Babe, do you want one?" Calum called up to me. "Yes please," I smiled, bringing the bottle to my lips. Calum turned his attention back to the fire and the back door opened behind me. "Hey," Luke appeared at my shoulder with a bottle of beer in his hand. I could tell by the light pink flush in his cheeks that he'd had plenty to drink at this point. "Hey," I rested my back against the railing, facing Luke. Luke looked down at me for a moment and then turned away, tugging at his hair. "You good?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in concern. He'd been doing that a lot. Looking unhappy that is. "Huh, oh, uhhhh," Luke paused. "Lu," I placed a hand on his arm, making him look at me. "Luke?" I repeated. "I really like you, Y/N," Luke muttered, his eyes glancing around and his words slightly slurred. "Luke," I laughed nervously. "Yeah, and it's kinda shitty because you're dating my best friend," he sighed, looking back at me. "Why, why are you- why are you telling me this?" I asked, nervously playing with my fingers. "You're so pretty too, does he tell you that. He should, if he doesn't," Luke continued. "He does tell me," I mumbled. "He does? That's good. I'm glad he treats you good, Y/N, cause you deserve it," Luke leaned against the railing. Silence filled the space between us, tension rising. "How mad do you think Luke would be if I kissed you right now?" Luke's voice was barely above a whisper as he looked down at me. "Uhhh I-I don't know," I stuttered, "Probably pretty mad." Luke moved closer to me and I stayed frozen in my spot. "Luke?" Calum's voice broke the silence. Luke jumped back, spilling some of his beer on the ground. "Everything alright over here?" Calum looked at me pointedly, before glancing back over at Luke. I swallowed nervously, shaking my head slightly. Luke pretended to fix his shirt, stalling for time. "Y/N," Cal looked back at me, "Can I talk to you for a minute? Inside? Alone?" I nodded, slipping past Luke and into the house.


Calum's face was barely visible in the shadows, but I could tell he was upset. "What the fuck was that?" he crossed his arms and leaned against the counter. "I don't know," I threw my hands up, "I just asked him if he was okay and then he just started leaning in and I froze." Calum looked down at his shoes, his expression softening. "Would you have kissed him...ya know if I didn't show up?" Cal asked quietly. "Babe," I breathed, stepping towards him, "No. Okay, no. I wouldn't have." I tilted his chin up to look me in the eye. "I know I promised lu I'd never tell you, but I feel like I should explain this to you now," cal's eyes flickered around the room. "Okay?" I wrapped my arms around cal's torso and waited for him to speak. "Before we started dating lu had a pretty big crush on you, and so did I," cal started, "And we promised that, ya know, whoever ended up with you, the other would be supportive and not try to make a move on you and what not. Obviously, I got you and-uh-Luke kinda never got over you." cal looked down at me to judge my reaction. I didn't know what to say so I kept quiet. Cal rubbed his hand over his face, "Fuck, I just assumed he would never get in the way of our relationship uhg I was so scared of not winning you" Cal let out a small laugh, "And I finally got the girl and I guess I'm just scared that he'll win you over. And I don't want that." I couldn't help but smile at cal's nervousness. "I don't think he can take me away from you, cal," I promised. "Good, because I don't plan on letting that happen," Cal smirked, letting his hands travel to my butt. "But," I paused, grabbing his wrists, "I think I should talk to Luke." cal whined, resting his head in the crook of my neck. "calum," I warned. "Okay, okay," cal straightened up and pressed a kiss on my lips before following me outside.


"luke?" I asked, nudging his knee with my own. "Hmm?" he glanced over at me. "I hope you know that, even though I'm in love with cal, I still love you too," I said, looking at him. "Yeah, yeah," luke mumbled, looking back at the fire. "I mean it, luke," I said, placing my hand on his knee, "And I promise that you'll find someone better. Someone who's right for you. Cause let's be honest, I'm not right for you" I felt Cal's gaze on us and I looked up to see him smiling at me. "I'm not that great, you're not missing out on much," I laughed. "I think you're pretty great, Y/N, but, uh, I guess you and Cal are pretty cute together," luke rolled his eyes, pretending to throw up. "Hey," I shoved his shoulder. Luke caught my wrist and linked my pinky with his, "Friends?" "Friends," I nodded. Luke let go and I stood up, making my way over to calum and sitting down in his lap. "See, baby, it's all good," I smiled, pressing a kiss on his nose. Cal's hands tightened on my waist, holding me close to his chest, "Now we just need them all to leave so I can really show you how much you mean to me." He shot you a wink and went back to the conversation with the boys

Sorry guys I haven't updated in for ever I'm having my exams sorry...I found this on tumble hope it's cool ^-^

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