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" Hotstuff96" givethe idea thanks for the opinion hope you like it ")

You are lying in bed trying to sleep after having a fun day with calum. Suddenly you hear a noise and it's coming from your window. You turned in your bed and looked towards the windows you froze in fright your throat choked up you always have a fear of looking at windows in the dark. The person was trying to open the window shit I left it open today you thought. You got even more scared your heart was beating fast sweat dripping from your face your body shivering. Suddenly the window flung open and there....Someone's leg poped in then the whole body you couldn't make out in the dark. You were so scared you started screaming for help "Help Help" you screamed the figure ran towards the switch board and flicked on the light "What's wrong is there a robber" calums voice rang thought your ears "Hey what wrong babe why are you crying" you didn't answer just ran into calums arm he embraced you tightly shhing you you relax under his touch. You 2 sat on the bed you resting your head on his chest and him rubbing your back "I-I-I thought he-he came back " you choked out "who babe who's back" he said pulling you up now you resting on his arm , facing each other "I never told you right" "told what" " started "As I was sleeping you heard a faint noise, I turned to look at the window on the wall right beside my bed and in the darkness there I saw a pair of eyes staring right at me I choked in fear as I saw the persons hands fidgeting with the window trying to open it. I screamed and the pair of eyes grew larger not in surprise but in a burning rage that made me fear for my soul. My parents burst into my room in worry asking me what had happened,I looked to the window but whatever it was, was gone. I told them everything. The next day I was horrified as I saw the news, apparently a man had broken into two houses in my neighborhood and had butchered the families living in there. Till this day I fear windows. I fear the pair of eyes filled with blind rage that might stare back at me, I fear the hand that might come through it and take me away." You ended slightly whimpering "babe you never told me.....I'm so so sorry" he said softly kissing your head "I promise I won't sneak in again" he pouted "no its okay just tell me" you said quietly "dint worry I'm there I'll always be there to protect you, love " he said sweetly you nodded "night calum I love you" "night babe love you toooo " he said and kissed you night

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