Bad Boy

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Being a shy girl with 2 friends in the whole school and then moving to another school is gonna be so difficult....I'm the shy one and now I'm moving to another school because my parents are going to have a divorce firstly depression of my parents then a new school my life is always been very hard so in the new school no doing anything besides studying and home my mum gave me my own apartment so I can have a new start with new school away from her and dad

So here first day at my new school I drove to school and parked my car and walked straight to the principles office for the time table on the way I got a lot of stares from boys and girls I dint look at them suddenly I bumped into a chest and I look up to see a boy who wore everything black and had a eyebrow and lip piercing he looked at me and smirked I new now this smirk is so wrong something bad is on its way at this though I shivered and walked in the office I got my timetable and the first day of school was pretty good but only to know the boy I bumped into was the bad boy name Calum Hood every girl wanted to be under him and every boy wanted to be his friend but he had this one best friend name Jake. Jake was completed opposite of him. Calum and his friend was in my biology chemistry and music class. They say if you are seen by Calum in a good way your high school life will be heaven and if your seen in a bad way you will know what is hell on earth.

Now for some day calum is being really horrible to me he keeps bullying me I just don't wanna live anymore I just feel like killing my self he calls me names nearly every day I'm sick of it I knew something wrong is on its way and that thing was Tristan but even doe he calls me names he does not dare let anyone touch me or he will kill them and he himself never hit me only threw my book around its really funny....I even started liking him and mates in school say that Calum has stop sleeping around he's changing for someone but dint stop bullying me

Another day in school with Hood as I walked in he noticed me and walked up to me and pushed me by his shoulder and all my books fell every one around me started laughing and i couldn't held in the tears anymore I took my books and walked straight to the cliff top that was 5 minutes away from school I was done by my life and dint even do anything to him nor to anyone else I just go to school and back home I walked more to the edge of the cliff and took a deep breath and looked down at the view the were only stones and big rocks and it's hight was really very high i thought of all the people my mom dad who really did not care of what i do. no one loves me nor cares for me and Calum who i really like he just bullied me i can't believe i fell so hard for my bully i was done and now I'm going to jump and just give up my fucking life i jumped and new i was going to die and that's what I wanted but suddenly i was pulled back and was on the ground with someone on top of me i looked and saw big brown eyes looking at mine i then realised it was calum's.... what why did he save me he was the one making my life hell? Thoughts were passing through my head I dint know what what happening. Then suddenly I felt something soft on my lips and the cold metal on my lips I was confused first but then kissed back I felt stress free and disconnected from the world then he pulled away and sat beside me and then carried me and I was on his lap and buried his face in the crock of my neck and I could hear him softly sobbing I froze I couldn't believe that my bully just saved my life then kissed me and know I'm in his lap and he's crying. "Why did you want to kill yourself did you even think about your family" "ha my family does not give a shit about me" "what about me" he said softly " what about you you are the one I'm doing this " I said angrily and crying "I-i-l lo-love you damit... that's why I pick on you I-i can't express myself
... the day you walked in school and dashed into me I knew you were the one just.... don't run away when I tell you who I am" I was confused he was Calum I knew that. I nodded for him to say. " I'm Doppelganger and every one sees me in what they like how all the girls want their prince charming to be and boys how they want there friends to look but you were different you saw the real me I was really surprised how? but then understood that who I'm supposed to be with will see the real me and you seen me... please don't run away I really like you dam for you I changed half of my life only I have to stop bullying you I'm really sorry doe" I loved him too no matter who he was that's love "I love too no matter what" I said smiling then he pulled out a blue box from his jacket and handed it to me I open it and seen a beautiful locket with "C♡F/L/O/Y/N/"
On it "i carry that everyday wating for the right time.... will you be my girlfriend" he said finally making me smile big I dint answer and just kissed him he smiled into the kiss and pulled back "I'll take that as a yes then" he smirked "now shut up and kiss me you idiot"

Hey guys sorry for that supernatural turn XP dint know how to end it hope you like it...I'm Nicole btw what's your name? ^-^

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