The Mutts

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Hello, this will be the last chapter written in Glimmer's POV - but it's not the end yet, I promise. Enjoy

Clove looked so peaceful where she was laying on the sandbank. I had carried her all by myself from the cornucopia, thank god she was so small. The blood on her head had dried when I finally reached the river. I cleaned it and brushed her hair with my fingers since some of her hair got stuck in the wound. It had started to get dark and there was no sign of Cato. I didn't know if he knew how to find us, but the river had been our camp the longest so I figured he would at least try to get here at some point. If he made it.. Thresh was huge, I honestly didn't know how Cato would be able to kill him. Suddenly I missed him so much. Everyone was scared of him - it was his image - but under that hard facade he was just a scared kid like the rest of us.

I started gathering some firewood, never leaving the brown haired girl out of my eyesight. I knew it was risky to light a fire when there was only me here to fight, but I figured the others were still scared of us. The nights had started to get so much colder, we would probably freeze to death if we didn't light a fire or had any kind of shelter. It was so very quiet. No talking, no movements, just me with my thoughts. This was the first time since I entered the arena I felt alone. I snuggled up to the girl like we had slept the previous night. It didn't feel the same but at least it was warmer. I was still waiting for her to say something, anything really. We used to talk all night long. Mostly me, but that was okay because she listened. I never brought up family again after that time in the woods, afraid it might upset her. I often wondered what it was like, growing up in district 2. We almost know nothing about the other districts, but I knew it was located somewhere in the rocky mountains. I also knew they were trained to be peacekeepers from a young age. Cato had told me about it. They started training from a young age, either to volunteer in the games or to become a peacekeeper. I guess that's why both Cato and Clove were like that.

The wind started to howl and dark clouds were threatening the sky. I looked around in panic and found a small cave. It wasn't perfect but it would hopefully do. I carefully lifted the girl's body and started walking towards the cave. It didn't have a roof so I improvised and put some of the sticks as a temporary roof. I went back and got our belongings and the rest of the firewood. The cave was actually much warmer since the wind couldn't reach us. I lit the fire once again and sigh. I looked over at the girl, still hoping for her eyes to open. It started downpouring, making the "floor" completely wet. I was afraid it would extinguish the fire but I was lucky this time. A blinding flash appeared in the sky with the following ear-splitting crack of thunder. I shuddered at the loud noise, it had always scared me. I moved closer to Clove, seeking comfort from the girl who I had grown to like. The sky lit up again, but not with thunder this time. A picture of Thresh was showing. I started screaming with excitement. Cato made it, he had killed Thresh. I knew he would pay for what he did to Clove. I hope Cato was okay, he has to find shelter fast. He would most likely seek shelter in the cornucopia. "Cato made it Clove" I whispered in her ear. I felt a weak squeeze to my hand and I couldn't help but think it was the best moment of my life. She would be okay, she only had to rest. Thank goddess some of the sponsors still loved me. They had sent me a gift only seconds after my love confession. It had worked very well and she was slowly getting her strength back. I kissed her cheek before cozying up next to her, careful to not hurt her. We both quickly drifted off to sleep, leaving us exposed - but who would be stupid enough to go somewhere in this storm?

"Hey, wake up sunshine" I said and kissed her cheek. Clove tiredly opened one eye and groaned. I chuckled, she was definitely not a morning person. It looked like she was feeling much better today though. That sponsor's gift truly made miracles come true. I traced my fingers over her arms, making my way up to her face. I traced her jawline, her pink cheeks, her nose - but I stopped when I reached close to the wound. "Don't stop. It's nice. I like when you touch me" she said with a sleepy voice. I rolled my eyes but laughed. A real laugh, the ones where I'm not afraid to let a snort slip or showing too much teeth. "We have to find Cato. So get your cute butt up and let's go" I said while tickling her a little. She squeals and wiggles like a little worm. It feels so normal, I could do this everyday for the rest of my life.

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