Chapter 3 - A Flame That Won't Die

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Later that night Y/n could be see going around the campus on a late night jog as he liked to train during night along with early mornings, but as he did he spotted something weird as two girls were using one of the training rooms to practice fire magic attacks.

Later that night Y/n could be see going around the campus on a late night jog as he liked to train during night along with early mornings, but as he did he spotted something weird as two girls were using one of the training rooms to practice fire ...

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As Y/n hide his presence he watched as they began to spar with each other, while they had powerful fire magic Y/n could easily tell they had no clue on how to use it properly seeing as they would waste magic power on things such as a bigger attack...

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As Y/n hide his presence he watched as they began to spar with each other, while they had powerful fire magic Y/n could easily tell they had no clue on how to use it properly seeing as they would waste magic power on things such as a bigger attack when it wasn't necessary.

"their power is impressive but they're lack of control is what's hindered the true power they have" Y/n thought as he watched them from a distance, but as he did someone was seanking up behind him.

"I didn't know this is what your into Y/n but I'm sure your mother and father will be happy to see you picking out a potential partner" said the voice as Y/n jumped from shock only to see that it was only Aerial behind him.

"you have to stop doing that and I'm not looking for a partner" Y/n said as his face was bright red.

"I suppose so I mean you do what the others and if they won't do...There is Milim" she said with a grin as a shiver went down Y/n's spin.

Milim Nava, an Ancient Demon Lord well over ten thousand years old and Y/n's adopted older sister. At first she was against having a little brother but as time went on she got attached to him more and more to the point she proclaimed infront of his entire new family she will marry him one day.

"please don't remind me of that" Y/n said as he still remembers the day she completely embarrassed him.

"hehe anyway I'm glad your here I need to ask you for a favor" she asked which got Y/n's attention.

"what's that" Y/n replied curios about what she wanted from him.

"well I'm sure your awear of Koneko considering the little event that took place earlier on today" Aerial said as Y/n sighed as he remembered all of the boys had chased him for forty minutes straight.

"yeah" Y/n replied as she continued to explain that during the session where she had both Akeno and Koneko talk about there insecuritys Koneko had mention about feeling peaceful when she was near Y/n making him think.

"wait you don't think Arceus has got a thing to do with this right" Y/n asked as she nodded.

"yes, I think that curse Arceus did on you is somehow also effective with an entire race know as Youkai which is why Koneko felt relaxed with you" as she said this Y/n began to wonder if it was true, the curse he got was so that female pokemon would mate with Y/n so Arceus could become a grandfather before Veldanava.

"I see, so what do you need from me" Y/n asked.

"I was hoping to invite you to one of the sessions tomorrow with both girls so you can help them over come their fears, I know how you use to be afraid and look at you know. Maybe if they see the power you've obtained it will motivate them to do the same" Aerial said as Y/n sighed.

"alright I'll see what I can do" replied Y/n as Aerial hugged him and thanked him before she left, as she did Y/n had turned back around as instantly his eyes widen as they were met with the eyes of both girls that were sparring with each other not to long ago.

"oh um...Nice night isn't it" Y/n said as the girls stared at him.

"why were you watching us" said the red haird one who held a large axe at Y/n.

"I was on a jog when I saw your fire display, I was watching because I felt like you both weren't using your fire correctly but didn't want to interrupt in the fight" Y/n said which only led to them getting annoyed at him.

"oh so you think you can do better in fire magic then" said the blonde girl as she and the other got in Y/n's face.

"no what I'm saying is your wasting magic power unnecessarily" Y/n said before he was grabbed by the girls in rage and brought over to the training arena.

"well then since your so confident in your power why don't we have a spar then" said the red haird girl as both of them stood across from Y/n who just sighed.

As the spar began both girls fired all their magic at Y/n who simply lifted a single arm up before the flames went out suprising the girls.

"if you'll listen I can" Y/n tried saying only to be ignored as he saw them both get ready for a fight, Y/n watched as the blonde haird one grow pheniox like wings while the other pulled out a large axe making him sigh.

"so the blonde one is apart of Phenex household while the other is a spirit called Efreet...That's just great" Y/n said sarcastically.

After a while of Y/n dodging both of their attacks and even deflecting a few of them both girls were now on the ground panting while Y/n sighed.

"listen what I said, I wasn't trying to be hurtful to you I say that because I also did the samething you both did at first to" Y/n said as the girls sat up and leaned against a wall.

"how did you do that" asked the girl from the Phenex clan making a smile appear on Y/n's face.

"your from the Phenex clan, tell me do you know Ember by any chance" he asked as the girl looked surprised.

"yes of course I do, she is the one who blessed the Phenex clan with Pheniox abilities" the girl said as the red haird one soon spoke up.

"I also have heard of the god of flames but what does that have to do with us and what you did" she asked as they saw Y/n stand up.

"well I was blessed by her as well, I'm what the Phenex clan calls Pheniox Champion" Y/n said before to large wings of flame shot from his back and both light up the area as well as a lot of heat could be felt from them too.

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