Chapter 7 - Childhood Friend Turned Lover

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The next few days Y/n was recovering in the medical bed as Yumi kept her promise of looking after him, but due to the interference by his uncles and even Aunts Y/n was currently sitting in bed with the covers over his head cursing at them for making Yumi do this.

The next few days Y/n was recovering in the medical bed as Yumi kept her promise of looking after him, but due to the interference by his uncles and even Aunts Y/n was currently sitting in bed with the covers over his head cursing at them for maki...

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"why would they do this to me" Y/n said to himself as he peeked out to see Yumi in a nursing outfit just smiling at him.

"so Y/n do you need anything else" she asked making Y/n both surprised she as no reaction to the way she dresses and embarrassed by his uncles for making her do this.

" thanks I'm good" Y/n said as he tried avoiding eye contact with her at all times. But as Y/n was looking away he was suddenly surprised as he was hugged by Yumi.

"so I guess what Tyrael said was true, you really don't remember me" Yumi said as Y/n's embarrassment turned to confusion, as he looked at her all he saw was her large blue eyes staring at him with a sad look on her face.

"remember you" Y/n said confused as he tried but couldn't seem to recall ever meeting her before.

"five years ago, you and your mother came to Kouh to pick up a few things when you bumped into a small girl in the park who was alone" Yumi said as Y/n's eyes soon widen as he began to remember that day.

Lucia wanted to pick up a few things from the human world and Y/n asked if he could tag along, as Lucia was in the store Y/n had met a girl in a park by herself, she had told him she lost her brother and she had run away to the park from her master who at that time was Serafell Leviathan, as they opted each other company for hours both Lucia and Serafall had come to pick them up and take them home.

"you were that girl I met in the park" Y/n said as he saw Yumi smiling as she nodded.

"yup, that was me for years I trained to be able to match you in power but when I heard what had happened I realized that your so far in power that I may never catch up to you" she said as she got off of Y/n and smiled.

"when I heard they were looking for someone to watch over you I wanted to see you so bad I immediately said that I'd do it, I've been waiting for so long just to see you again, I never got the chance to give you my answer to the question you asked me before you left" Yumi said which confused Y/n as he doesn't remember asking her any type of question...That was until he had remembered when he said as he was leaving with Lucia.

"when you asked me to be your bride I never got the chance, but it seems to me like you don't even remember, it's okay we were only children so I guess it doesn't matter to much" Yumi said as Y/n hung his head. As he did Yumi had begun to pick up the tray that she brought Y/n's food on Y/n soon began to remember what he was thought by one of the dragons in dragon city, he asked the dragon how are they able to have several different wives to which the dragon simply responded.

"it's simple child, we dragon take the things we desire be it women, gold or power and we don't let anyone take it from us" the dragon's words repeated themselves in Y/n's head making him look up.

"hey...Yumi" Y/n said as Yumi who is now walking away suddenly stopped and looked at him.

"yeah" Yumi replied as she looked at Y/n who had his head down.

Y/n got out of the bed and saw that he had bandages around his chest and leg, as he made his way to Yumi he stood infront of her and looked down to her as he was taller than she was.

"you shouldn't be out of the bed Y/n, your wounds haven't healed yet" she said but was interrupted as Y/n used his good arm to pull her in for a hug which surprised Yumi causing her to drop the tray on the floor.

"Y..Y/n what are you doing" Yumi said as he face while bright red was on his chest.

"all my life I've been surrounded by dragons, gods and even other beasts and during that time I picked up a lot of traits from them and one of those is a dragons intuition. I thought by a dragon that if I want something then I take it, if it's not mine then I should make it mine....And right now there's one thing that I want" Y/n said as he stared into Yumi's eyes as she was a bright red.

"I know it was years ago, I understand if you've found someone else but if it's ok with you Yumi, I want to spend the rest of my life with you" Y/n said as Yumi was now shocked.

Holding out his hand a seal appeared on Y/n's palm, this was a mate seal it's used by dragons to mark anyone they wish to spend their life with and if for whatever reason broken then the one that betrayed the other will die.

"you don't have to accept this, but it may not be next week or even year but I promise I'll make you my bride, so Yumi will you marry me and then become my wife and future mate" Y/n said as he immediately felt a hand on his, looking up he saw Yumi crying as she held his hand smiling.

"of course I will you big idiot, I have been waiting years to hear you say that to me" Yumi said as she stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Y/n. As they kissed a small marking appeared on Yumi's neck officially making her Y/n's mate and future wife. But as they stood there they suddenly stopped as they heard clapping, turning around Y/n saw Aerial along with Tyrael and Serafall standing there smiling.

"well done Y/n I'm sure your parents will be pr" Tyrael was suddenly hit by the tyrael Yumi had dropped as Y/n had picked it up and thrown it at him.

But as he through it he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his shoulder and Yumi managed to catch him before he fell over, as she placed him back in the bed the other three came over with a mark across Tyrael face where the tray hit him.

"congratulations Y/n I'm happy for you" said Aerial as she rubbed his head.

"Yumi you never told me Y/n was the boy you were after, and to think I was going to ask him to marry me instead" Serafell said as Yumi got jealous and Y/n sigh while the others laughed. Just then Y/n faced Serafell as she stopped laughing.

"you're Serafell Leviathan right" Y/n asked as she spined around and did a weird pose.

"yup my name is Serafall Leviathan, but you can call me Levia-tan" she said as Y/n just sighed

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"yup my name is Serafall Leviathan, but you can call me Levia-tan" she said as Y/n just sighed.

"well I know we just met but I need to ask you a favor" Y/n said as everyone looked at him.

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