Announcement to plex (day 1/30)

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One day after the pizza plex has closed for the night, Moon was walking to his and sun's room to
Get his night cap and then heard the intercom say " the whole pizza Plex will be closed for a month due to not getting to charged up and being to sleepy by how many kids have came in this year , and maybe for some repairs if needed" As moon finally made it to the daycare he  opened the entrance door of the daycare.As he opened the door  he saw sun at the top of the tower where their room was, but then he saw sun wearing his night cap. In shock and anger he yelled out "SUN GIVE ME MY NIGHT CAP NOW" Moon yelled so loud the whole plex heard his yell. "NEVER" sun screamed, he saw moon getting closer using his wire to fly over there. Sun waited for moon to get closer to do his escape plan (which was to wait till moon got close and jump in to the Ball-pit and run to the plex where the others were at to hide) When moon got close to sun, sun jumped into the ball-pit. While moon saw sun jump he when after sun as sun started running to the plex ,still on his wire he flew over to the plex  following sun. As sun ran he reached the others as freddy tried to say hi but sun kept running as they all watched. moon reached the plex  as he yelled " SUNDROP!!!" The others were confused on what was happening still watching. As moon was chasing sun he remembered he has built in moondrop candys so he yeeted one in front of sun to hopefully trip sun and catch up. Sun was not looking where he was going so he tripped on the candy moon yeeted. When sun tripped and fell on the floor  letting out a hurtful sound " aeuuuh" sun whelped on the floor as he was stuck on top of his arms (his arms were  straight up and straight under his head) as moon saw sun, he knew it was the time to strike,so he fell off his wire Landing on sun sitting on sun's legs while kneeling down towards sun. " well ,well ,sunny  you shouldn't run away from your actions~" said moon grinning evilly. "  m-moon let's talk a-about this" said sun nervously still stuck with his arms. " oooh~but sunny we can't talk~you stole my hat~ and such crimes can go without punishments~ and your stuck in the best position to hear you lovely giggles~" moon said grinning more evilly as he wiggles his fingers at sun. Sun instantly knew what was going to happen. Moon started wigging his fingers on sun's sides,as sun let out " mohoHOHohohoON    NOHOOHOHOHOoOooO PLEAEAEESSZZZZSSEAEAEAE  HEHEHEHEHEHE HAHAHAHA
Immm gohohohoing tohohoho oveeeeeeeerrrrrr heeeeeeehehehaaaaaaaahahahahtttt" . "Did you learn your lesson" said moon still tickling sun.  " YHEHEHEEEEEEEEeEeEeSSSsSsssss" said sun still being tickled. Moon stoped tickling sun, while sun's gasping for air laying there not moving an inch. The others just looked over at them weirded out from what just happened. GR Freddy,GR Chica,Roxy, And Monty walk over to them,and once they made it over there Freddy asked "what just happened!?!" .Moon said " sun stole my hat and would not give my hat back so I tickled him" As moon said while grabbing his hat and putting it on. " why was sun laying in that position letting you tickle him?" said monty in confusion. " Because he likes to be tickled" said moon. " I DO NOT! THE KIDS GOT GLITTER GLUE ON ME AND IM also a little rusty! So im stuck" yelled sun before anyone else got any other ideas to do to sun while he is stuck. " now, can someone please get the oil so sun is not RUSTY anymore" said moon. "Why don't you just take him to parts and services he can get off the glue, stickers and his arms fixed?" Roxy asked  wondering.  " well his arms have to be strapped down but they are stuck up and he can't move his arms... but also the brushes tickle him and then he will go crazy and sad from loneliness." said moon thinking. "Well is there anyway we can help do it by hand?". Said Chica. " well yes but someone won't like it and it will be giggly~ we can start now. We need oil, a  scrubby brush, a mat ,and some tape.  Meet me in the day care and then I'll explain. Moon walked back to the daycare with sun in his hands, while the other go to grab the stuff. Then moon and sun get to the daycare and waits for the others, while they wait sun asks nervously " what are y'all going to do to me?"  "You'll see. sunny~" said moon grinning evilly, after moon said that the other got to the daycare with the things moon asked for. "Monty can you put the mat down flatly?" Asked moon."yes" say Monty while putting the mat down flat.  Moon puts sun on the mat while saying "wait here sunshine~I'll only be a minute~" .moon then walks away with the other and explains the plain "so sun  is on the mat and someone put the oil to unrust him  and then someone will tape his hands up and someone will sit on his arms so he does not runaway while someone brushes the stickers off him, I would brush the stickers off but I'm a little rusty my self."  says moon (that's his plan).they all walk back to sun.  When they get there Freddy puts the oil on suns arms "arrrr" sun growls. " sun why did you just make that  sound?  asks Freddy wondering. " it kinda tingles and stings"said sun. "Oh, well I'm almost done" said Freddy while pouring a little bit more oil. Then once Freddy gets done he says " I'm done, try moving your arms".  Sun move his arms, "I can move my arms now" said sun still moving his arms. "Could up your arms up and lay down please?" Said Chica hiding the tape behind her back. "O-okay" Said sun nervously, as he does was he was told. When he did, Chica taped sun's hands together.As soon as Chica taped sun Monty sat on sun's arms. "H-hey what are you doing?!?!" Sun yelled nervously from his o me position with his stomach wide open for any one to tickle him at any moment. Roxy sat on sun's upper legs and looked at sun and said "sorry sun" . " sorry for wha" . Roxy started brushing sun before he could even finish his sentence. " reaaaaaHahahhaaaaaaa nohohoho geheheheht  ofofofofofofffff meheheheheheheheh nohohohow" Sun squealed while try to wiggle free. "Damn he's loud and so wiggly" said Roxy. Monty moves his glasses down and looks at Roxy while saying "do you know what you just said". Roxy says "that's not what I meant" blushing while brushing the sticker off sun more faster and harder not paying attention to what she was doing. "Rhohoxyyyeee!!!! Rhohoxxyee!!!ROXANNEyyyyy Whoholf!" Sun yells while laughing try to get Roxy's attention. Roxy hears her full name and stops scrubbing sun while he is gasping for air . "Sorry sunboy, what did you say?" Said Roxy worried. " your going to fast~ and hard~" said Sun blushing from laughing so much. Roxy took a moment to see sun and thought " I love sun" in her head. "O-okay sun ny, sorry I didn't realize"Roxy said bushing harder. Monty saw her blush and kept that a note for later. Roxy scrubbed sun more carefully and slower. Sun let out " arhehe Yohohou almoohohohost douhuhuneeee"said sun giggling As Roxy got done with scrubbing the stickers off. " I'm done sunny~" Roxy said watching sun blush everywhere. Everyone got up except sun. Roxy bent down to sun and asked "do you want to go to my place to talk?" Said Roxy blushing. "I would say yes, but I can't move good now" said sun while wobbling to get up blushing. " I'll carry you" Roxy says willingly,as she picks up sun in both arms and yells "come on let's go home guys" at the others. They go to Roxy and see she carrying sun "why are you carrying him" they all said. " we are going to my place to talk" said Roxy. They all start going to their rooms saying bye except Monty as he walks with Roxy. Roxy looks down to find sun sleeping. "Roxy can I ask you something since we keep each others secrets?" Asking Monty. "Sure, but be quiet sun is sleeping" whispers Roxy. " do you like sun? You were blushing hard earlier" whispers Monty, as he opens Roxy door open for her since her hands are full. As Roxy enter the room and puts sun on her couch she replies "yes~ but don't tell anyone"to Monty. Roxy sits on the floor by sun like Monty is doing. "*SNORES*"sun cutely snores while he slept. Roxy looks over at sun in surprise from his cute snore. "Oh fuck, Why is he so cute?!?!" said Roxy blushing like crazy. "I'll keep your secret Roxy, I'll be In my room if you need anything"said Monty as he left the room going to his room. Roxy thought in her head " I want to kiss him so bad!!I want to snuggle with him so much!but what if he does not feel the same about me?!?!" Roxy went crazy in her head. Roxy went to her mirror and said "OH CRAP! OH CRAP! WHAT IF SUN IS MAD AT ME FOR WHAT I DID TO HIM!?!?" Out loud waking sun up, but Roxy didn't know sun woke up. Sun heard what Roxy said as he realize Roxy put him on the couch. Sun got up and walked up behind Roxy's back and grabbed her shoulders and turned her around to see that se was crying. " aaaaa please don't hurt me" Roxy yelled as sun touched her shoulders not knowing sun was the one grabbing her. Sun turned Roxy till he could see her face. Sun scanned Roxy with his injured sense mode and looked Roxy up and down and looked back up at her and said "Roxy, chill,I'm not going to hurt you, and I'm not mad at you." Touching her face to look eye to eye with her. Sun hugged Roxy. As shocked Roxy was she calmed down from sun's hug, she hugged back. "I'd never hate you Roxy and if I say I do then it's not me it's a imposter" said sun while thinking " I love her so why would she think I hate her? I want to kiss her right now" in his mind. Then sun picked up Roxy and sat her on the couch. When sun looked at Roxy he saw she was blushing everywhere, and he knew why she was blushing but he was blushing too. " tell me, how do you feel about me?"said sun. " I want to kiss you" Roxy cover her eyes and says " you weren't meant to hear that" she says embarrassedly. Sun grabbed Roxy's hand and took them off her eyes so he could see her pretty eyes. Sun puts his hands on Roxy's face and pulls her closer and kiss Roxy. Roxy liking the kiss she then puts her hand on sun's face. They kiss for a minute then sun pulls away and says " you don't ever need to keep your feelings for me a secret" being truthful to her. "Can I call you Sunshine?" Roxy asked. "Yes, lovely. They only call us the Drops because of our candies" said sun. " do you want to be my boyfriend?" Roxy asked. " Yes!" Sun replied. Roxy got up to sun so ask "are you going to anyone about this?". "Not unless you want me too" sun said. Sun saw that Roxy was a little cold so he laid on the couch and pull Roxy towards him and he hugs Roxy this heating pads on his arms heated up so Roxy didn't have to be cold. " good night Roxy, I love you" said sun. " good night sunshine, I love you too" said Roxy, as they drifted to sleep happily.

2050 words, I stayed up past my bedtime finishing this.

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