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It's been a few months since Y/N lost his job and had to find a new one. Finally, he landed a job with a better salary, but the catch was that he had to move to the company's headquarters in London. When he told me the news, I felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, I was happy for him, but on the other hand, the idea of being separated from my husband was not something I was looking forward to.

We talked about it for days, trying to weigh the pros and cons of each option. Should I follow him to London or stay here in Japan and have a long-distance relationship? We knew that both options had their challenges, but in the end, we decided that I would go with him. I couldn't imagine being apart from him for too long, and I also felt like it was a good opportunity for me to experience a new country.

We started to prepare for the move. We had to get passports and visas, which was quite a lengthy process. Y/N had to go to London first to set up everything for our arrival, and I had to stay in Japan for a while to finish up some work and pack our things. It was tough being apart, even for a short while, but we knew that it was for the best.

When I finally arrived in London, Y/N picked me up at the airport with a huge smile on his face. It felt like we were starting a new chapter in our lives. We rented a small apartment near his workplace, and we started to settle in.

The first few weeks were exciting. We explored the city, tried new foods, and met new people. However, as time went by, we started to feel the weight of our decision. Moving to a new country was not easy. We had to adjust to a new culture, a new language, and new people. We also had to deal with the financial challenges of living in an expensive city like London.

Y/N's job was demanding, and he often came home late. I tried to keep myself busy with my studies and part-time work, but I missed him terribly. We had to learn how to communicate better, especially when it came to our needs and feelings. We made sure to have regular video calls and set aside time for each other, even if it was just for a few minutes.

There were times when we both felt homesick and missed our families and friends back in Japan. But we reminded ourselves why we decided to move here in the first place. We were in this together, and we knew that with each other's support, we could overcome any challenge that came our way.

Months passed, and we started to settle into our new life. Y/N's job was going well, and I was making progress with my studies. We even made some new friends who became like family to us. Looking back, I realized that moving to London was one of the best decisions we ever made. It taught us the value of resilience, adaptability, and most importantly, the strength of our love.

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