Chapter# 3 Career Day show and tell.

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(The next day.)

(At the Mario Family residence.)

(Inside Mario and Luigi's bedroom.)

Mario: (Yawns as he begins to wake up. And stretch out his tiny toddler body while rubbing both of his blue eyes. And once his vision became clear. He then began to smile as he then began to giggle as he then gently took his bed covers right off of him. And then begins to slowly crawl over towards the wooden edge of his top bunk bed. And he looks right down from the top bunk right at the bottom bunk.)

Mario: (Smiles.) "Hey Luigi you awake?

Luigi: (Yawns as well as he also stretches his tiny toddler body. And also rubs both of his blue eyes.) "Yeah I'm awake Mario. (He then smiles at him as he looks right up at Mario from the top bunk.)

Mario: (Giggles as he continues to smile at Luigi.) "Hey guess what Luigi. "I had the most amazing dream last night. "I dreamed that me and you where both plumbers and we both where the very best plumbers in all of Brooklyn New York.

Luigi: (Gently gets out of his bottom bunk bed. And smiles at Mario.) "I had that same dream last night to Mario. "You where driving our plumbing truck and we where working together on our plumbing projects.

Mario: (Then crawls over to where the ladder was by his top bunk. And began to climb down the ladder. And looks at Luigi.) "Wow that is so cool Luigi. (He then walks over towards there closet.) "Say what did our plumbing logo look like on our plumbing van Luigi in your dream? (He then gets excited.) "Was our logo cool? "Was it exotically the way I drew it? (He then opens up there bedroom closet.)

Luigi: "Yes it was exotically the way you drew it Mario. "The logo was in all white letters but it had black outlines. "And you where on the logo Mario.

Mario: (Gently grabs one red shirt and one green shirt from there closet. And gets excited by what he was hearing.) "Wow that is so cool Luigi. (He then gently shuts there bedroom closet door behind him. And walks over towards Luigi as he hands him a fresh green shirt.)

Luigi: (Changes out of his pajamas and into a green shirt. And he then looks at Mario.) "Say Mario remember how last night me and you where pretending to be plumbers and where pretending to fix the bathtub faucet and taps.

Mario: (Changes into a fresh clean red shirt.) "Yeah why Luigi?

Luigi: "Well I was thinking. "Playing pretend plumbers is fun without the tools. "But wouldn't it be fun to play pretend plumbers with tools and to look the part of being a plumber Mario.

Mario: (Gets at what Luigi was saying. And smiles at him.) "Hey great idea Luigi. (He then changes into a fresh clean pair of overalls.) "I know that daddy has tools inside his tool box. "Maybe he will let us both borrow some of his tools.

Luigi: (Looks at Mario.) "But I thought that daddy always told the both of us never ever to touch any of his power tools Mario. "As we both can get hurt if we ever played or even touched any of his power tools that are inside his tool box.

Mario: (Sighs.) "He did tell us a lot of times that Luigi. "But in order for the both of us to be pretend plumbers we need real tools along with tool belts and tool boxes to look the part Luigi.

Luigi: (Nods his head as he finishes placing on his other shoe.) "Makes sense Mario.

(Suddenly the sounds of there mother can be heard calling both of the boys from downstairs.)


Mama Mario: "Mario and Luigi breakfast is ready!

Mario: (Grabs his drawing of there plumbing logo that he had made last night. And he had placed it into his backpack. And then follows Luigi as they both head down stairs towards the dinning room.)

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