Chapter#7 Play date/sleepover at the Mario family household.

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(They all arrived at the Mario family household.)

Mama Mario: (Gently shuts the door behind her after her husband and the children walk right inside.)

Mama Mario: "Where back from picking up Mario and Luigi. "And we have also brought our guests in as well. (She then begins to smile.) "Everybody come meet our guests.

(Suddenly the rest of there family members all came walking up towards them.)

Mama Mario: (She then motions her hand as she then begins to introduce each one of the children that where going to be staying the night at there house.)

Mama Mario: "Everybody I would like for you to meet our guests. "Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Rosalina, Toad, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Bowser, Wario and Waluigi and Spike. "They all will be staying the night here for both Mario and Luigi's sleepover.

Princess Peach: (Waves hello at everybody.) "Hello everybody it's nice to meet you all. "You can call me Peach for short if you want to. "Or you can call me Princess Peach as I'm used to people calling me that.

Princess Daisy: (Waves hello as well.) "It's so nice to meet you all as well. "And just like my dear and very close best friend Peach. "I'm used to being called Princess Daisy. "But if you all would rather call me by my name Daisy for short. "Then it's fine by me.

Toad: (Waves hello while smiling.) "Wow you all look like such a very nice family. "It is such a really nice honor to be staying the night here at the Mario family household.

Donkey Kong: "Nice to meet you all. "The name's Donkey Kong. "And can't wait to get this play date/ sleepover started. "And to get to really know all of you guys.

Rosalina: (Does a curtsy.) "It's a real pleasure to meet you all.

Bowser: (Nods his head while waving at them.) "Yo what's up. "The name's Bowser. "Thanks for inviting me here for this play date/ sleepover.

Wario: "Hello nice to meet you all.

Waluigi: "Thank you for inviting me for this play date/ sleepover.

Spike: (Smiles at everybody.) "Why hello there. "My name is Spike and I have to say it's a real pleasure to be invited here at the Mario family household for a play date/ sleepover with both Mario and Luigi. "As I'm so excited to get this play date/ sleepover started.

Marie: (Smiles at them.) "It's nice to meet you all. (She then gently places a hand to herself.) "My name is Marie. (She then gently turns to face her husband Arthur.) "And this is my husband Arthur.

Arthur: (Smiles as he then waves hi to the children.) "Hello kids it's a pleasure to meet you all.

Tony: (Waves hello to all the children.) "Hello I'm Tony. "It's also a pleasure to meet you all as well.

Mama Mario: (Then smiles at the children.) "Alright now that you all gotten to meet our family members and gotten to know there names. (She then gently places both of her hands together.) "Now I'm going to be heading into our kitchen and start making breakfast.

Marie: (Looks at Mama Mario.) "Oh I'll help you make breakfast. (She then turns to face both her husband and Tony.) "You boys going to help make breakfast as well? "Or are we girls going to have to drag the both of you boys into that kitchen our self's and make you help us make breakfast.

Papa Mario: (Places on a cooking apron.) "I'll help as well with making breakfast. (He then grabs a spatula.)

Marie: (Smiles at Papa Mario.) "Thank you at least we have one man helping both of us girls with making breakfast. (Looks at both her husband and Tony.) "Now we just need you two to head into that kitchen and start helping us make breakfast. "Because the more hands the better.

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