Chapter#17 Thanksgiving Day Break Part#2

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(Inside the Wachoski family car that was still driving on the road.)

(In the backseat.)

Sonic: (Yawns as he was the first one to wake up. And he rubs both of his eyes until his vision became clear. And he looks at his mom while stretching.)

Sonic: (Smiles at his mom.) "Mommy are we in Brooklyn yet?

(In the front seat.)

Maddie Wachoski: (Nods her head while smiling at Sonic.) "Yes we are almost in Brooklyn Sonic. "Just one more hour of driving on the road and we will be at our brand new home in Brooklyn.

(In the back seat.)

Sonic: (Smiles as he leans back into his seat while placing both of his hands behind his head.) "Awesome.

Tails: (Yawns as he wakes up and he looks at Sonic who was wide awake.) "Are we in Brooklyn already?

Sonic: (Shakes his head no at Tails.) "Nope not for one more hour Tails.

Knuckles: (Woke up and begin to stretch out his body and smiles as he looks at everybody.) "Morning.

Sonic: (Smiles as he looks at Knuckles.) "Morning Knuckles.

Tails: (Smiles at Knuckles.) "Morning Knuckles.

Amy: (Wakes up as she yawn and rubs both of her eyes and looks at Sonic, Knuckles and Tails and smiles.) "Wow what a perfect night's beauty sleep that I had last night. (She then had a disgusted look while looking at Sonic.) "Until Sonic farted inside the car.

Sonic: (Looks at Amy while chuckling.) "Hey what can I say Amy chili dogs are one of my favorite foods but they do make me really gassy.

Amy: (Playfully rolls both of her eyes at Sonic.) "You can say that again Sonic.

Sticks: (Yawns as she wakes up and smiles as she grabs Tails's binoculars.) "Yes it's time to continue to search for aliens and ufo's again. (She looks out the car window and continues to search for aliens and ufo's again.

Tails: (Looks at Sticks who was still using his binoculars.) "Sticks when we arrive at our brand new house in Brooklyn. "Can I have my binoculars back please?

Sticks: (Nods her head while continuing to use Tails's binoculars.) "Sure Tails I'll give you back your binoculars when we arrive at our brand new house in Brooklyn.

Knuckles: (Looks at Sonic, Tails, Amy and Sticks.) "I wonder what our brand new preschool/brand new preschool classmates will be like in Brooklyn?

Tails: (Looks at Knuckles as he shrugs both of his shoulders.) "Have no idea Knuckles. (He then smiles as he holds his now finished invention.) "I wonder if any of our brand new preschool classmates love science and like to invent like I do.

Knuckles: (Begins to flex both of his muscles while looking at Sonic, Tails, Amy and Sticks.) "I wonder if any of our brand new preschool classmates love to workout/exercise like I do.

Amy: (Smiles as she brushes her pink hair while looking at her reflection in her vanity mirror.) "I know that there will be girls at our brand new preschool. "I'm curious if the girls at our brand new preschool like tom boy and a bit of girly girl stuff?

Sticks: (Who was still searching for aliens and ufo's.) "I wonder if any of our brand new preschool classmates know about aliens, ufo's, technology and etc? "Cause if they don't I will tell them all about aliens, ufo's, technology and etc.

Sonic: (Looks at Knuckles, Tails, Amy and Sticks.) "I wonder if any of our brand new classmates love to race, workout and etc like I do.

Amy: (Looks at Knuckles while smiling.) "I hope that our brand new preschool has a art class as I love to decorate.

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