Chapter#8 Stopping Bowser's date with Peach/Mario and Luigi's new baby sister.

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(The next day.)

(Everybody began to walk back towards the green warp pipe. After waking up at the Mario Family Household and having them self's some breakfast.)

Bowser: (Who had held Princess's Peach's hand during the whole walk down towards the green warp pipe. And he looks right at her.)

Bowser: "Peaches it is time for me and you to head down to my family's castle and begin our date together. 

Princess Peach: (Sees that Bowser's back was turned. And that Spike, Wario and Waluigi where also standing by the green warp pipe. As they plan on following them as soon as they exit through the green warp pipe and into the Mushroom Kingdom.)

Princess Peach: (Quickly looks right at Mario and quickly blows him a kiss while waving goodbye to him.)

(Suddenly both Bowser and Peach went into the green warp pipe. And then followed by Spike, Wario and Waluigi right behind them.)

Mario: (Caught Princess's Peach's kiss. And places it right into his heart while smiling and sighing in a love way.)

Mario: (Then turns around to face his twin brother along with his best friends.) "Okay everybody before we go into that green warp pipe. "Do we have everything that we need to stop that date with both Bowser and Peach?

Donkey Kong: (Double checks to make sure that they had everything that they needed. And he then looks right at Mario.) "Yep we have everything Mario.

Mario: "Does everybody remember who there partnered with? (Looks at Rosalina.) "Rosalina you remember what your job is?

Rosalina: (Nods her head.) "Yes Mario.

(Everybody nods there heads at Mario.)

Mario: (Then begins to have a look of determination again onto his face. And then begins to motion his hand right at that green warp pipe.) "Then let's a go.

(At Bowser's family castle.)

Bowser: (Who gently places his hand around Princess Peach's side. As he then gently guides her towards his family castle.)

Bowser: (Smiles as he looks right at Peach.) "Here we are Peaches. "Home sweet home.

Princess Peach: (Smiles right at Bowser.) "Wow so what do you have in mind that we do first for our date first?

Bowser: (Gently opens up one of the front doors of his family castle. And then looks right at Peach.) "I was thinking of the both of us to watch a movie together. "You can chose the movie Peaches if you like.

Peaches: (Smiles.) "Sounds good Bowser.

(Suddenly the front door closed.)

Spike: (Stands right in front of both the front doors with both of his arms crossed. And he kept watch at all times.)

(Over at a huge rock.)

(Mario, Luigi, Daisy, Donkey Kong, Toad, Yoshi and Rosalina began to very carefully peek out from the edge of the rock. To see that Spike was already on body guard duty at the front doors of Bowser's family castle.)

Luigi: (Looks at how creepy/scary Bowser's family castle looked and he began to gulp.)

Luigi: (Began to shake with fear.) "Oh man Bowser's family castle looks very scary. (He then gasps as he then notices that they where all surrounded by a non ending rivers of pure lava.)

Luigi: (Screams as he then jumps back a bit and gently hits the wall of the rock.) "Oh man has anybody ever noticed that we are surrounded by a non ending rivers of pure lava!

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