Chapter#5 Mario and Luigi both receiving flu vaccinations/fun day at the park.

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(The next day.)

(Inside Mario and Luigi's bedroom.)

(Both Mario and Luigi where already up and getting ready for another day of preschool.)

Mario: (Places on another one of his blue shoes. And looks at Luigi.) "I wonder what we are going to do/learn in preschool today Luigi?

Luigi: (Who was placing on his green socks began to shrug both of his shoulders.) "Don't really know Mario. "But I'm really curious/excited to find out.

Mario: "Same here Luigi.

(From downstairs.)

Mama Mario: "Boys breakfast is ready!

Mario: "Oh boy breakfast is ready. (He then grabs his red backpack by one of it's straps. And then looks right at Luigi.) "Hey Luigi race you down stairs to breakfast! (He then begins to giggle.)

Luigi: (Finishes placing on his last green shoes. And then gets up as he then grabs his green backpack by his one strap. And then looks at Mario.) "Oh your so on Mario. (He then giggles as well.)

Mario: (Looks at Luigi.) "Okay ready. "3... 2... (He then smirks as he gotten a heads start. And begins to playfully laugh at Luigi.) "Ha! "You snooze you loose Luigi! (He then begins to speed walk down the upstairs hallway.)

Luigi: (Had a playfully smile onto his face while laughing. And then playfully speed walks after Mario.) "Hey! "You only just gotten lucky that your in the lead bro. "Because you gotten a heads start. (He then continues to laugh.)

(Both of the brothers continue to race each other. Until they reach the stairs. And they both began to walk down the stairs together. And once they both had made it down the last step. They both then ran towards the dinning room.)

(Inside the dinning room.)

(Both Mario and Luigi had made it into the dinning room together.)

Mario: (Looks at Luigi.) "Hu looks like we both win Luigi.

Luigi: "Yeah it's a tie. "But I do agree with you Mario. "We both win.

(Both of the boys then begin to sit in there usual seats inside the dinning room.)

Mama Mario: (Who places her fork into a peace of bacon. And then smiles as she looks at both of her boys.) "Oh boys your father and I have something that we need to tell the both of you.

Luigi: (Who was eating a bowl of his favorite plumbers super hero's cereal. Looks at his mommy.) "What is it that you need to tell me and Mario mommy?

Mario: (Looks at Luigi.) "Hey Luigi can you please pass the box of Plumbers super hero's cereal please?

Luigi: (Who was still looking at his mommy. Passes Mario the cereal.)

Mario: (Begins to pour his favorite cereal into his cereal bowl.)

Mama Mario: "Well Luigi. "What I need to tell both of you boys is this. "Remember back when me and your father had told you boys that you both where going to become big brothers.

Luigi: "Yes I remember why mommy?

Mama Mario: "Well basically the hospital that me and your father had went to. "To find out that I was pregnant with a baby. "And just before me and your father had left the hospital. "We both had noticed signs that was plastered up all over the hospital. "And they where telling everybody all about the flu vaccination that was now available for all ages. (She then smiles at both of the boys.) "So sense flu season is coming up. "Me and your father had made a appointment for you boys to get your flu vaccinations today at your pedatrition.

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