Chapter#4 First preschool field trip to the skating rink.

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(The next day at Brooklyn preschool.)

(Inside the preschool classroom.)

Toadsworth: (Smiles as he then gently faces the class.) "Boys and girls I have a very exciting announcement for all of you. (He then takes a deep breath as he then gently places both of his hands together.) "Tomorrow we all will be going on a field trip down to the skating rink.

(Suddenly the class began to get excited.)

Mario: (Began to cheer as he danced a little in his desk seat.) "Alright a field trip! "I love field trips!

Toadsworth: (Gently moves his hands down to gently quiet down the class.) "Okay class let's quiet down now thank you. (He then begins to walk around the classroom. And pass out permission slips to every single one of his students.)

Toadsworth: "Here are your permission slips for your parents to sign. "Make sure that your parents or any of your family members sign your permission slip and have it returned back to me tomorrow sighed by your parents or family member. "Or you will not be going on the field trip. "As according to the rules I have to have permission from all of your families to take any of you children on this field trip. "So no permission slip no field trip for you. "As any of you that don't have a permission slip will be staying right here at the preschool with a substitute teacher. "Does everybody understand?

(Everybody nods there heads.)

Toadsworth: (Smiles at everybody.) "That's good to hear. "Now make sure that you place your permission slips into your backpacks so you don't lose them. (He then gently claps his hands.) "Now let's work on our math shall we class.

(Everybody begins to work on there math. As they where practicing there counting.)

(With Mario and Luigi.)

Mario: (Was counting plastic cubes with Luigi. And he looks right at his twin brother Luigi who was counting the plastic cubes as well. And was resting his head using his one toddler hand onto the table.)

Mario: (Stops his counting a bit and looks at Luigi while smiling.) "Hey Luigi excellent job counting, learning your numbers.

Luigi: (Smiles as he looks at Mario.) "Thanks Mario. (He then goes back to counting the plastic cubes.)

Mario: (Smiles as he continues to count the plastic cubes.)

Luigi: (Sighs as he looks at Mario as he finished counting the plastic cubes.)

(Suddenly Toadsworth looks at the two boys.)

Toadsworth: (Smiles at both Mario and Luigi.) "Mario and Luigi wonderful job practicing your counting.

Mario and Luigi: (Nods there heads.) "Thank youToadsworth. (They both go back to doing their math.)


(With both Mario and Luigi who where sitting together at a lunch table. With Peach, Daisy, Toad and Yoshi.)

Mario: (Slurps one of his pasta noodles into his mouth. And then looks at Luigi and smiles.) "So Luigi you excited for the field trip to the roller skating rink tomorrow?

Luigi: (Smiles as he looks at Mario.) "Yes I'm excited for the field trip to the roller skating rink tomorrow Mario.

Mario: (Smiles at Luigi.)

Luigi: (Smiles at Mario.) "I do admit I love to roller skate as it's so much fun. "And I do know how to roller skate as mommy, daddy, aunt Marie, uncle Tony and Uncle Arthur gave both me and you Mario roller skating lessons. "But I do not like roller skating fast on my roller skates. "As I like to skate at my own speed.

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