Chapter#9 Who will be preschool class president?/vote

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(After Teacher's workday.)

(Inside the Brooklyn preschool.)

Mr Toadsworth: (Clears his throat as he then looks at his class.) "Okay boys and girls. "Today I have a very special announcement for all of you. (He then gently places both of his hands together.) "I came up with a idea for our preschool class to have it's very own class president. "Now to make it fair for all of you. "I'm going to let any of you boys and girls chose any of your classmates that you want to become our class president. "Now after recess we will discuss who will be running for class president. "And who ever will be running for class president will be doing what ever it will take for them to get votes. "As by the end of the day we will be having a class vote on who will be our class president.

(Lunch time.)

Spike: (Leans back in his seat. And looks at Bowser, Wario and Waluigi.) "Can you guys imagine me as class president. (He then looks right at his nails.) "I would so totally nail being class president.

Wario: (Takes a bite out of his sandwich. And nods his head at Spike.) "Oh dude you should totally run for class president. "As you got/have what it takes to be class president Spike.

Bowser: (Looks at Spike.) "You do have potential Spike for being class president. (He then begins to place a hand to himself.) "But what about me becoming class president? "Imagine this for a title you guys. "Class president Bowser. (He then smiles with his shiny teeth.) "Has a nice ring to it don't it.

Waluigi: (Nods his head at Bowser.) "Yeah it does Bowser. (He then looks right at Spike.) "But to be honest and to be fair dude. "I would chose Spike for class president. (He then looks at Bowser up and down.) "As you Bowser are very powerful and not to mention the main school bully of the preschool. "And everybody except for Mario, Peach, Daisy and Donkey Kong are scared of you. "So you would really rank up the votes dude. "So it wouldn't really be fair on you running for class president.

Bowser: (Sighs.) "You are right Waluigi. "But I am going to be planning on running for class president in the near future as I grow older. (He then looks right at Spike.) "But for now let's chose Spike for class president.

(Over at another table.)

Princess Daisy: (Rolls both of her eyes at Bowser, Wario, Waluigi and Spike.) "Ew as if Spike can become our class president! (She then looks at both Mario and Luigi.) "Not if both Mario and Luigi are going to be running for class president against Spike.

Mario: (Swallows his chewed up piece of lasagna that he had been eating. And looks at Daisy.)

Mario: "Me and Luigi are doing what now?

Princess Daisy: (Looks at Mario while smiling.) "Running for class president Mario. "You and Luigi.

Luigi: (Was eating one of his olives.) "Wow do you think that me and Mario have a chance of winning?

Princess Daisy: (Nods her head.) "Of course I know that you two have a chance in winning against Spike. (She then glances right at Spike.) "Besides it will be way better having you two as class president than having Spike as class president.

Mario: "Agreed Daisy.

Princess Daisy: (Looks at Mario and Luigi.) "In fact I'll be your boys's helper during this class president election.

Princess Peach: "So will I.

Toad: "Count me in as well.

Yoshi: "Me to.

Donkey Kong: "Me to bro.

Toadette: "Me to.

Rosalina: "Me to.

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