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Taehyung's POV:

As I emerged from my dreamland, I was welcomed by the sweet aroma of strawberry perfume. It dawned on me that I was now married, and the fragrance belonged to my wife. I sluggishly made my way to the bathroom, where I was greeted by the soothing scent of vanilla, and glimpses of my wife's hair strands and undergarments hanging on the rack. A few new products lay on the shelf, reminding me of her presence.
It brought a smile to my face, and I felt a sense of tranquility. I realized that I was married to the woman I had been dreaming of for the past seven months. Yet, a part of me remained uncertain. Was she truly here for me or my money? Was she like my ex? These thoughts clouded my mind as I showered. As I stepped out of the bathroom with only a towel around my waist, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of my clothes neatly arranged on the bed, along with everything I needed for the day.As I made my way down the stairs, I saw y/n and my mother chatting and preparing breakfast together.

They looked happy and comfortable with each other's company. It made me feel a bit relieved to see my wife being able to adjust to my family so well.

But still, a small part of me was unsure about her intentions. Was she really here for me or for my money? I decided to test her subtly and see how she would react. I saw my brother joining in their conversation and asked y/n about her interests and hobbies. To my surprise, she was quite knowledgeable about music and shared some similar interests with him.

I was impressed and couldn't help but feel a bit more drawn towards her. But I still needed to be cautious and take things slow. As we sat down to have breakfast together, I made up my mind to keep testing her little by little and see if she was really the right match for me.

Two months had passed since their wedding, and things had been relatively smooth. Taehyung remained reserved and cold towards y/n, but she never lost hope.

Despite starting a new career, she continued to make breakfast and dinner for the family members. Taehyung tested her by leaving important documents from the office and his credit cards lying around, but he always found them back in their place when he returned home. Even when he came home late from work, he found her waiting for him at the dining table.

Although he only gave her short answers and mostly ignored her, she still smiled at him and did his work, like arranging his clothes and cleaning his desk, like a good wife.

All of this made Taehyung feel a different kind of emotion towards her. Little did he know, y/n had also fallen in love with him despite his ignorance and hoped for them to be a happy couple one day.

As time passed, Taehyung's heart began to soften towards Y/n. He couldn't deny the way she took care of their home and his family, her constant support and her love for him, even when he was distant and cold. He couldn't help but feel drawn to her and her positive energy.

One day, as he was sitting in his office, he realised that he was thinking about her constantly. He found himself daydreaming about her smile, her laughter, and the way she looked at him. That's when he knew he had to give this relationship a chance.

He made a decision to open up to Y/n and to show her his true self. He started to talk to her more, ask about her day, and even took her out on dates. Slowly but surely, they began to grow closer and closer.

Taehyung began to realise that he had been foolish to doubt Y/n's intentions. She married him for who he was, not for his money or his status. He felt grateful to have her in his life.

Finally, Taehyung decided to take the next step. He prepared a romantic dinner at one of his cafe and, as they sat down to eat, he poured his heart out to her.

Y/n was shocked but overjoyed to hear his words.

Taehyung still didn't open to her about his ex and past and thought of taking things slow.

Hey, how old are you all?

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