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Y/N had just come home from a long day at work, looking forward to spending some quality time with Taehyung. However, as soon as she walked in the door, she noticed that the house was a complete mess. There were clothes scattered everywhere, dishes piled up in the sink, and papers scattered all over the living room.

"Taehyung! What happened here? Why is the house such a mess?" Y/N asked, trying to keep her voice calm.

Taehyung looked up from his laptop, where he had been working on an important project. "Oh, sorry about that. I've been so busy with work, I haven't had time to clean up," he said apologetically.

Y/N couldn't help but feel frustrated. This wasn't the first time that Taehyung had let the house go while he was focused on work. "It's not just about cleaning up, Taehyung. You promised to share responsibilities around the house, and it feels like you're not holding up your end of the bargain."

Taehyung sighed, "I know, I'm sorry. I've just been so stressed with work lately, and I didn't realize how much I was neglecting my responsibilities at home. I promise to do better from now on."

Y/N still felt upset, but seeing Taehyung's contrite expression softened her heart. "Okay, but you need to show me that you mean it. Let's work together to clean up the house and make dinner together tonight."

Taehyung smiled, relieved that Y/N wasn't holding a grudge against him. Together, they spent the next few hours cleaning up the house and cooking dinner, laughing and chatting as they worked. By the end of the night, they were cuddled up on the couch, watching their favorite show, with Y/N's head on Taehyung's chest.

"I love you, Y/N," Taehyung whispered.

"I love you too, Taehyung," Y/N replied, feeling grateful for the small moments of everyday life that made their love stronger.

They were waiting for their family members to return home as they are out for the wedding.

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