Chapter 5

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May 2012

Ashleys Birthday Party

"Wow," I thought to myself. It was my first birthday since I was seventeen when I wasn't constantly hoping and watching and waiting for Brayden to walk in. I was at peace with it too. I began to rekindle an old friendship with my friend Marie.

She's here today to celebrate with me. She also brought my two-month-old goddaughter May. This is going to be such an amazing day I hope.

We're rolling out the red carpet. Yes literally. I have multiple outfit changes. Also a photographer! I watched my photographer, who was also a friend of the family, as he put up a Hollywood backdrop for my party. "It looks amazing!" I say smiling.

"Well It's going to be yours," he said

"What are you talking about?" I ask

"I don't have any use for this backdrop ever. You have more parties than I do. Keep it as a sentimental." he stated.

"How much?" I ask curious

"Free" he smiled "Happy Birthday"

A few hours of setting up the birthday party decorations went past, with everything going smoothly. Almost too smooth. I'm sure you know how that is. When things go too easily and it sort of scares you. Because it seems too easy? That feeling.

Marie and I leave the hall to go get our makeup done, jumping in the car with Marie's stepmother, Cameron. Not the boy's name Cameron but the girl's version of it. Though in my opinion, they should have spelled it with a K to make it more feminine. Suiting though, because she's not the feminine type.

Driving to the beauty school, not where I went, a different one, went smoothly. No incidents. Wow, things are going smoothly! We walk into the school and to the front desk. "Hi, I talked to someone on the phone a few days ago. We're here to get our makeup done for an event!" I say excitedly as it's the first time I'll be having someone else do my makeup. "I'm sorry hun but the Estheticians have all left for the day." the receptionist said.

Both of our faces dropped. I had only brought enough makeup for touch-ups, and she had brought none. Quickly, we left driving back to Cameron's house. Where Marie has been staying with her daughter.

She grabs her makeup bag, and we leave shortly after going back to the hall. Knowing we're running low on time to do our makeup and be dressed in time.

We walked into the hall just to see half of my guests had already arrived. Quickly Marie and I run into the bathroom. Having Cameron hold May while we get ready for the event. Using the minimal makeup we have combined, drawing on new faces.

I threw in my hair extension ponytail and suddenly it doesn't look right. All the times leading up to the party that I had practiced the hairstyle, NOW it doesn't want to go on correctly. Great.

So I shoved it all into a bun creating an accidentally gorgeous hair look that was reminiscent of Taylor Swift's hair in the "Love Story" music video.

"Your hair looks fabulous!" Marie chirps in

"Aww thank you. You look beautiful yourself." I say.

Next Marie helps me into my dress. My first dress of the evening was black with a straight poofy skirt at the end. Rhinestones nearly cover the corset at the top. Then raining down the skirt. "So beautiful!" Marie says. I smile while hugging her.

We both exit the bathroom. Then immediately get swarmed by friends and family of mine who want to see the reveal of my princess gown. I smile politely and nod at the things people are saying.

Mostly drowning them out, due to most of my family wanting to say how they never got parties like mine during their teen years. That they were envious and how I should feel so lucky that I was so "Overly spoiled" even though I paid for the whole thing from my money from working my job.

My best friend and I make our way to our table. Waiting for the rest of the guests to arrive. Which they did within half an hour.

Once an hour of the party came and went it was time for my next outfit.

A red mermaid-style off-the-shoulder dress with a rhinestone belt around the waist. Coming out of the bathroom my family was nothing but outraged at the dress change. Insisting that the black dress was much prettier.

"I don't think she intends to disappoint tonight," Marie says and walks me back to the party area where we continued mingling with guests and talking to people.

She knows me well enough to know I didn't let that get to me. It just kind of frustrated me. Because I wanted people to be pleasantly shocked. Seems to be the opposite happening.

Again, another hour passes. Many photo ops are done. I took pictures with everyone in my red dress that they acted as if they hated. Yet jumped at the opportunity to take pictures with me in the dress.

I made my way to the bathroom changing into my third dress. A gold-topped dress with a straight white skirt. A perfect pageant gown. That's how I looked at life anyways. Feeling life is a pageant and without always competing for your place in this world you're going to lose. And you're going to fall away.

I go take my photo ops with everyone in my white gown. Enjoying my time. Though I was also hearing all about how the dresses I've put on are nothing in comparison to my black princess gown. After many photo ops, Marie and I go make our plates of food.

After the food, my whole family gathers around my birthday cake. With Marie's stepmom jumping on the mic. The entire crowd of people erupts into song.

"Happy Birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear Ashley

Happy birthday to you!"

I make a wish and blow out my one and nine candles. Then help pass out slices of cake.

After the cake was sliced, I noticed most of my guests had already left. When I ask where they went off to, I get told they all left to go bowling together. I sigh slightly devastated.

I change into my final dress, just to help with packing up the decorations and putting them into the prospective vehicles they go into. Which ended up being three trucks worth. 

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