Chapter 6

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Dating Again

Continuation May 2012

We immediately crashed that night when we got home. Both exhausted and overstimulated. Once I hit my bedroom I had thrown my wardrobe from the day into my closet all disorganized in a piled-up mess.

Something I knew I'd regret later. It's okay though because I'm exhausted and have worse things to worry about.

October 2012

Lately, I've been talking to someone new. Feels like a fresh start: blonde hair, blue eyes. Curls fall down to his forehead like an enchanted swirly waterfall. Blue eyes are reminiscent of the ocean. We're going on our first date today!

I'm definitely nervous and anxious. First dates are not really my thing. I've only been out with a boy one time. That was with Brayden.

FlashbackPOV of Ashley

I hopped in Braydens car. He just got his license a few months ago . We've known each other since the eighth grade. We just reconnected this month. I was asked to come out and hang out!

The plan is we were going to hang out at Kings Landing. A bounce house place. I know it sounds childish. It just sounded fun to me and asked me where I wanted to go. So that's where I chose to go.

I see Braydens car pull up with loud music. I'm already facepalming myself in my head. As I know my parents are highly intolerant of loud music at all. Great.... Here comes the lecture.

Not to mention he parked across the street like the greatest douche of all time. Hispanic rap coming from his car also can send my dad who doesn't know what they're saying overboard. He hates trap music especially if he can't understand what they're saying.

"Off to King's Landing!" I say hopping into the passenger seat and becoming his passenger princess for the day.

"About that...." he trails off. "We're not going. Instead, we're going to the park." He says bluntly.

"Okay...." I say and text my parents an update so they know where I am.

After not knowing his directions, we eventually found our way to Scottsdale Park. He parks by the trees and we find ourselves venturing off into the woods. Not smart in retrospect, but I was having a nice day with a prospective boyfriend.

"So what don't you know about me?" He asks nonchalantly.

"I don't know, you tell me." I shrug.

"My grandpa is a warlock," he says.

I look at him like he's nuts. "Like.... Witchcraft and voodoo?" I ask.

"Exactly," he says

"How'd you find that one out?" I ask.

"I used to do it with him. Until I realized it was evil and a sin when I was in church," he says.

"That's.... A lot to realize." I smile "What matters is you're finding better things about yourself at the end of the day, you know?"

"I actually drink a lot now," he says. Luckily for me, I could tell he wasn't drunk. So I knew I wasn't in the car with a drunk driver.

"Why would you do that?" I ask, looking him in the eyes.

"Makes me happy. Makes all the fucked up and shitty situations go away." He shrugs

"Alcohol isn't the answer Brayden...." I begin to trail off.

"Tell anyone and I'll kill you myself," he says. Immediately I just shut up.

Two Hours Later

"Where should we go next?" asks Brayden.

"Walmart?" I ask "My aunt works there. Maybe she'll get me something free." I chuckle.

"No! My mom might be there! Uh.... My mom doesn't like you" he admits "You're too poor to be around me she says."

My mouth slightly hangs open, shocked. "I can't be seen with you." he finishes. I just nod.

End of flashback

Looking back now it's all so obvious to me. It wasn't his parents. It was the fact that he was with someone and couldn't be seen with me for fear he could be caught.

I never had any grounds in his life and for the first time, I'm okay with that. I'm going out with a great guy today that will treat me better.

Finally, the time for the date arrives. Though, my ride, Marie, has yet to arrive. Shit! I keep calling Marie for my calls not to be answered. Until my one call finally gets through.

A groggy-sounding Carter answers. Carter is her on-again-off-again boyfriend. "Hello?" he asks

"Where the hell are you?!" I ask angrily

"I uh fell asleep," He says.

"Yeah, sure," I say frustrated and hanging up. Texting Drake, my date, to tell him I may not make it.

After what felt like an eternity, Marie and Carter finally show up. I quickly jumped into the passenger seat. Although I contemplated not even going. Seeing as being late to a date isn't exactly a good look.

The plan is to go to a pumpkin patch and pick out pumpkins together!

Then just like Brayden used to, Marie got lost. So we spent an extra fifteen minutes trying to find our way to the pumpkin patch.

"You know I invited Brayden right?" Marie asks

"Why would you do that?!" I shout. As we're still driving.

"So he can show up and I can fight him in person finally." Marie shrugs. Sometimes it works against me, but she is my favorite crazy person.

I shake my head at her, not going to argue. I personally was kinda on board with the idea. So why not?

After the date

Well, he's a nice guy. Didn't even try dressing nice for the date though. Marie and I wore our best leggings that showed off our figures. As well as our hair and makeup had been done.

He showed up in jeans, an old baggy hoodie, and a cap. "So did you feel anything?" Marie asks as we get into the car and his minivan pulls away. "Honestly? I don't know." I say honestly. At the end of the date, I had gotten extremely sick from the heat. Although it's October it was 90 degrees outside. Heat is not something my body handles well.

Seeing how pale I had become, Carter hands Marie twenty dollars and sends her into dunkin donuts to get me a large water, him a coffee, and whatever she was in the mood for.

"I could see it in your face, Ash. You weren't into him." Carter said.

"Honestly? I didn't feel it." I sighed "I usually can feel a spark right away." I tell him "And I didn't. At least... Not like I did with Brayden."

He knows about Brayden as he tried to prevent Marie from fighting him today. The scaredy cat didn't even show up anyways.

When I arrived home, I sat down in my bedroom with a pen and notepad.

Dear Brayden,

I fucking hate you. You ruined my life.

I fell so hopelessly and miserably for you when I know damn well there was never anything there.

I wish I never ever met you. I hope I never ever see you again.

If you ever are thinking about reaching out to me sometime, please spare me the heartache and headache and.... Don't.

If I weren't blocked, I would have already reached out. Hell, I've thought about using a fake account to text you anyways. Almost every day. I almost do.

I wish I could erase you from my mind....


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