Chapter 8

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Holidays ContinuedThanksgiving

Thanksgiving is tomorrow! I have May for the day, whilst I do my shopping for dinner tomorrow. She's actually being an angel! She's ten months old, and she's being so good that I'm surprised!

Typically by now she would be screaming, kicking, and crying. Especially when it comes to being put into her car seat for transportation between stores.

Later that night

Marie had arrived back at my house, tired and exhausted from work. She helped tear up some bread, and we made homemade stuffing.

Both of us at this point, stumbling from exhaustion, decide it's time to hit the hay. I was sleeping on couch cushions, whilst Marie took my bed. Currently, she was staying with her dad.

She no longer was staying with her stepmom after a falling out. So she moved in with her dad. Where she was sleeping in the basement with him.

Except instead of sleeping on a bed, she was sleeping on a sleeping bag on the basement floor. Where she had begun to experience back problems. No wonder.

So I figured it was best if I had given up my bed to her for the night so that she could have a good Thanksgiving with the family. Rather than to spend her Thanksgiving in pain.

Thanksgiving Morning

I woke up this morning feeling incredibly sick. I have no idea what made me so sick. It just did. I sit up for a little while, noticing Marie and May are still fast asleep. As the bedroom door is still shut.

You see, I slept in my old bedroom. My bedroom was being moved from another room. While laying down and scrolling through my phone, I hear May beginning to fuss. "Time to get up.". I think to myself, slowly rolling off my temporary bed.

Marie and I both drag our tired, achy bodies down the stairs and into the living room where everyone else was. Both of us smile at May because even when she's tired she's still the brightest light on this planet.

I begin helping my mom and Marie make dinner for everyone, as I feel my body getting weaker, fainter, and more nauseated.

Usually, when I became nauseated I would chug whatever there was to drink. So that I can fill my stomach up temporarily until I had access to food.

Marie had brought a seven-pound box of Twizzlers with her. It's one of our favorite things to snack on together. "Marie, do you mind if I have a few Twizzlers?" I ask feeling worse than before I chugged the water.

"Of course." She smiles at me. I grab the Twizzlers and begin chowing down on them hoping to fill up the empty space in my stomach hoping to get my nausea to diminish.

Boy was I wrong. My nauseated body kept crumpling underneath me. I was beginning to realize this was a fight I was never going to win. I fought hard in my attempt to win the battle when I collapsed in my parent's dining room. Giving into my body's desires to rid itself of my contents.

"Oh my god!" Marie gasps worried. Though, bodily fluids were not something she could handle. So she quickly turned away and went into the kitchen to stop herself from becoming sick.

"Really? You could have gotten to a bucket." Said my mom frustrated.

"Mom I don't think she had the time. She just got to where she can clean it up." Marie defends me, and I give her a small smile.

During dinner

On Marie's face was a look of utter disappointment. She had been counting on her dad, who is her best friend beside me, to show up for their first-holiday dinner together since she was a child. Before her parents divorced.

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