⊱𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓⊰

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'I'm sorry'? She said she was sorry. But why did she take so long to apologize? I felt so conflicted. Was she truly sorry or did she do it because she was told to? Regardless, most people would just accept the apology and move on, but I didn't feel compelled to do that. To just let it go and move on. Maybe I was being petty or immature but either way, it wasn't compulsory for me to forgive her, that was just what was expected of me, and who am I to care what other people expect me to do? Plus, it wasn't really an apology I wanted, it was an explanation, a reason why. A lot of the time I find that a simple 'sorry' doesn't mean much if it's not what your looking for.

With these thoughts running through my mind, I headed into one of the studios to shoot a look book. It ran smoothly although it dragged on for nearly an hour longer than I thought it would but my mind was elsewhere for majority of the shoot so I barely noticed the time flying past. As I was thanking the staff I noticed a text from Chaesoo; 'Please come to my office when you have a space in your schedule today.' It read. I automatically assumed it would be something to do with the whole situation with Eun-Jae and I was starting to dread going up to Chaesoo's office. 

I waited for the lift and when it came down I made my way to Chaesoo's office which was on the top floor. When the lift doors opened I was met by a grand sky-lit hall. Paintings with gold embellished frames were hung up on the walls, next to large crystal clear windows that looked out on to the city. It was beautiful. I gawked at the beauty of the room as I walked up to the receptionists desk.

"Hi, Miss Lee told me to come to her office." I said.

The lady looked up at me and then back down at her computer, clicking through something. A couple seconds later, she pointed me in the direction of two large, white wooden doors. I walked across the room, towards the doors, I pulled one open and slipped inside. I was met by a short-corridor looking room that was lined with black leather chairs and small tables with piles of magazines or books.

"A waiting room?" I mumbled to myself, walking over to one of the chairs and taking a seat. 

I gazed around the noticing a large-ish glass chandelier that hung in the middle of the room. The light bounced off the fractions of glass creating small fleets of rainbows around the room, lighting the place up. Looking around the room, I got up and started walking towards another set of large white doors which I assumed led to Chaesoo's office. 

As I moved closer I noticed that the door was slightly ajar. I pulled it open, just enough for me to peak through and immediately noticed a head-full of dark, long and curly hair. Eun-Jae? Her back was facing me but I was pretty sure it was her. I glanced around the room and caught Chaesoo's gaze. She carefully pulled out her phone and tapped it, as if to say I should look at mine. I took my phone out of my pocket and a second text I hadn't seen earlier. 'When you get here the door will be open, come in quietly and wait by the door.' It read. I slipped my phone back in my pocket and silently stepped into the office, making sure to stay behind Eun-Jae. Chaesoo glanced at me quickly before turning back to her conversation with Eun-Jae.

"So why do you have this weird grudge against Nari again?" Chaesoo spoke.

"God Chaesoo how many times do you want me to repeat myself?" 

"This is the last time, I'm just trying to wrap my head around the whole situation."

Eun-Jae sighed heavily before looking down at her lap.

"I'm not completely sure why. She's nice and everything, maybe even too nice, but she just reminds me of...him." She said mumbling the last part.

Him? Who was she talking about?

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