2 ⭐︎ The New Camp ⭐︎

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⚠️    Mentions Of Suicide    ⚠️


Spencer woke up to a car door slamming, "Wake up!" Shane shouted "I'm awake," I said stepping out of the car. We were in a plain area, there was a trailer, 2 other cars, and then the Dixon's truck. What sucked was I didn't have a tent, just a sleeping bag, the blonde girl and her parents got out of their car, and the girl looked like she was crying. She was clutching her doll like it was gonna run away, I used to do that with my pink monkey, when I was younger. When my parent would argue and dad would throw things in the house.

I hate that pink flower monkey, it was the first thing my momma got me when I was a baby. That's what she said at least. Every time I looked at it or held it all the flashbacks of that moment, the moment she died, came flooding back.

I was turning 7 that day.

I woke up in my bed, it wasn't really a bed more like a mattress on the floor. Shane was shaking me awake trying to get me up, I had school that day but on our birthdays Mom let us stay home like a cheat day and sometimes both of the siblings could stay home on one's birthday. I guess to have fun with them and stuff, Mom had work but she was still here. Weird.
"Happy Birthday firecracker" Firecracker is what he calls me because I have a temper, is what he says, and my middle name means sun and the sun is basically fire. Mom found that out in an old book she found at a library. Shane had his back faced me, he was looking down at his hands or what was in his hands, "I got you this, if you don't like it it's ok" he said turning around to give me something. I never knew why he thought I wouldn't like the stuff he gave me, he knew me so well and every year he gets me something I love it unconditionally. He wrapped it in an old newspaper from the mail, I never minded it and as I unwrapped it my heart thumped with excitement. I took off the last part of the newspaper and a smile grew on my face as I knew exactly what it was, there were two things both of which I was obsessed with.

A Batman necklace and a toy shark, I love sharks they are so fascinating, and the megalodon is my favorite. Always has been, and Batman was my favorite DC superhero, and Superman was Shane's, I always found that ironic because in the comics they're enemies. "Thank you!" I jumped up and hugged him "You like it?" he asked "I love it, thank you so much," I said

"Mom? I thought you had work today?" I said getting up to go to her room. "Bye, Spencer!" Shane shouted then slammed the front door, I quickly ran to him to say goodbye. "Bye!" I shouted and waved to him as he ran to the bus stop. He just waved back, the bus was there for a couple of minutes before he went outside. After I knew he got on the bus I went back inside, there was really nothing to do, thankfully Dad was gone out of the house today, when Mom was still alive they both would be gone. Mom had been acting differently for the past few months, it's like she was sad or something. I was always used to not having her around cause she had 2 jobs and on her days off from the other one she was working the second then on her days off from the second she was working the first. I always knew that Mom and Dad didn't truly love each other, they argued all the time, then Mom would leave and wouldn't be back until the morning or the next night. But it was fine yeah sure sometimes or all the time I would cry with all the screaming and glass shattering. It got so bad that I thought whenever they were in the kitchen Dad or Mom would grab a knife and stab the other, but that was just me overthinking, it never actually happened.

I was still tired so I went back to sleep, it was always really cold in my room and warm but not hot in Shane's so I slept in there. His bed was so much more comfortable than mine, and his room was dark, the walls were painted dark grey it was almost black, and his sheets were black. His blanket was a Spiderman quilt I think it was, it felt like a quilt. Last year for my birthday he got me a snake stuffed animal, I also like snakes I was never scared of them they're just really cool...

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