6 ⭐︎ Vatos ⭐︎

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"Come back here! You sumbitches!" Daryl shouts at the car speeding off away with the girl inside. Daryl yells at the skinny teen standing in the alleyway, pushing him and punching him. "I'm gonna kick your nuts up your throat!" Daryl shouts trying to push Rick aside so beat can beat the boy up.

T-Dog holds the teen by his chest with only one hand with how skinny and scrawny he is. "They took Spence! That little bastard and his little bastard homie friends! I'm gonna stomp your fucking ass!" Daryl still trying to fight off Rick so he can get to the teen boy. T-Dog takes the teen over to the lab room and Rick puts the bag of guns on his shoulder running to T-Dog with Daryl behind him.

"Hm," Spencer opens her eyes and sees nothing but little micro holes of light coming through. Her head is pounding like someone is tapping on it over and over again. "You took a goddamn kid? What the fuck were you thinking?" a voice is heard from afar, "Hey?! Anybody there?!" Spencer shouts. She could feel her arms set flat on a wooden chair. She could tell it was wood by the way the chair creaked when she would try to move her arms around or shift in the chair.

She could feel the rope twist on her wrist when she tried to slip her hand out of the restraints. It didn't work. Every time Spencer tried to move her right hand it hurt like hell. Almost like she broke it. Two loud footsteps, clean, and organized, came closer and closer to Spencer. The restraints were lifted and two pairs of hands were wrapped around each arm. "Hey! What's going on!? Tell me where you're taking me!" She yelled and kicked.

Spencer was being dragged around she didn't even understand where, all she could feel is air so she assumed it was outside. And a loud metal door sound was heard under Spencer, "What the fuck is that?" Spencer whispers, she could hear faint talking, one voice was the same as the teen boy's voice and the guy that was talking about Spencer. "Hey, guy? What are they talking about? We can work something out? Right? Just let me go and- and everyone will be chill," Spencer tried to reason with them but they wouldn't talk back.

She heard a gun click, "What's that?" She asked, her breath heavy, she could hear Rick's voice if she heard Rick that meant Daryl and Glenn, and T-Dog were with him. "Hey!-" Spencer tried to call out to Rick but one of the guys took the bag off her head and put a roll of duck tape on her lips and the bag was replaced on her head. She was breathing out of her nose and felt like she was gonna faint.

"Oye!" The leader shouted, and Spencer began being dragged to the edge of the roof, the bag was yanked off her head and she was met with a scary sight of high ground. She was squirming and thrashing around, she was whimpering and screaming under the duct tape. She could see Daryl and Rick and the skinny teen and T-Dog aiming a sniper rifle at the leader guy. Her foot was just two inches away from the ledge. The metal doors closed and the group of guys walked away, 'What the Fuck?' Spencer thought. Spencer walked back to the room with the duct tape still on her mouth, she was shoved back on the chair but no restraints.

The 'leader' walked over to her and bent down putting his hands on his knees to get to her eye level. "Alright kid, how old are you?" a guy with brown hair, a mustache, a small beard, a black tank top, a black and white button-up, with a silver cross necklace asked her. She just mumbled sounded something like

'I can't talk with this stupid duct tape on my mouth,'

And he ripped it off making her wince "Goddamit shithead!" She shouted, "How old are you?" He asked again, "Like 11," She said, "Well shit," He said rubbing his beard, "Come on," He said waving his hand for her to follow and she started walking with him, "What is this place?" She asked, "It's a nursing home," He said, "So there are old people here?" She asked.

She looked around the place and saw old people in big white rooms laying in hospital beds hooked up to all these wires and tubes. "Why are you bringing me back here?" She asked, "Cause the old people like kids, it's been years since their families and grandkids have visited them and I think it'd be nice for them to see a kid before they turn into one of those things." He said, "We all turn into one of them?" She asked "Yeah," He said. "You like to color?" He asked, "Yeah? Got any shark ones?" She asked, "I could try to find one," He replied. He looked through this black crate of coloring books, while Spencer looked around, she saw tons of cool stuff.

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