8 ⭐︎ It Ain't Feel Right ⭐︎

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Right when the doors opened and the light adjusted to everyone's eyes they began walking through the door. Daryl put his hand on Spencer's back inching her way inside. The people with guns sprawled out aiming for walkers or anyone that was a threat. Rick was in front, as always. "Hello?" Rick shouted and a gun cocked, everyone looked in that direction, and a blonde man that was balding with a white T-Shirt on was holding it.

"Anybody infected?" The man asked, "One of our group was. He didn't make it." Rick said breathing in and out excessively. "Why are you hear? What do you want?" The man asked very unnecessary questions. I mean it was kinda obvious what they wanted. They wanted help. Answers. Anything really.

"A chance," Rick said lowering his gun but still keeping it by his side,

"I mean that's not what I would've said but you are the leader and everything so." Spencer thought.

"You all submit to a blood test, that's the price of admission." The man said but all Spencer heard was "a blood test". Which meant needles. Spencer hates needles. She can't stand them. They make her queasy, unwell, anything that meant throwing up. Spencer felt it. "A blood test? No. No. No. That is not happening," Spencer said quietly but everyone could still hear it. "I'm not doing it. I'm not," Spencer said standing against the wall. "Spencer if you don't do it we'll have to leave." Lori said, "Oh fucking well then, I guess we're leaving 'cause I'm not gonna do it," Spencer said setting her bag on the ground and sitting against the wall.

         Spencer stood in an elevator, it was a tight space. Everyone was touching one another. Spencer didn't like it. It made her anxiety skyrocket for some reason. "Doctors always going around packing heat like that?" Daryl asked holding his rifle on his right hip. "There were plenty left lying around. I familiarized myself. But you look harmless enough. Except for you two. I'll have to keep my eye on you." The doctor said looking at Spencer and Eli standing side by side. Eli slightly smiled but put his head down.

         Everyone was following the Doctor down a white and lit-up hallway. Carol asked about being underground or something. "Vi, bring up the lights in the big room." The Doctor said.

"Whose Vi?" Spencer thought.

"Where is everybody? You know, the Doctors. The Staff." Rick asked Doctor Jenner following him into the big room. "I'm it. It's just me here." Jenner said. "What about the person you were speaking with? Vi?" Lori said.

"Is this bitch dumb?" Spencer wondered.
It was a genuine question.

"Vi, say hello to our guests. Tell them... welcome." Jenner said then a loud woman spoke over some speakers "Hello guests. Welcome." it said. "I'm all that's left. I'm sorry." Jenner said before walking again.

        Spencer was waiting for her turn, she watched closely as Andrea was getting blood taken out of her body. She crossed her arms and slouched in a chair next to T-Dog and Sofia. She looked at Sofia and noticed she was clutching her doll tighter than she usually was. "Are you scared of needles?" Spencer asked quietly, "Yeah." She said watching Andrea take her turn. "Me too. I hate them." She said. "It's ok. Just think of it as someone pinching you for a really long time. And make sure to close your eyes or it will definitely feel like you're getting a shot." Spencer said shrugging. She didn't know why she was cheering someone else up about getting a needle stuck into their arm. Sofia smiled and it made Spencer's heart flutter and slightly hurt in such a way she couldn't describe.

      It was finally her turn. She walked up and sat down in the chair, "Don't worry. It'll just be a minute." Jenner said, "Yeah, one minute too long." She said holding her left arm out hesitantly. Jenner chuckled and took the needle and Spencer closed her eyes shut while the man poked her inner arm with the needle. She felt dizzy and unwell the moment she saw the needle come close to her arm. When he was done she stood up and as soon as she stood up she was brought back down by a hazy feeling in her head. Jacqui ran over and grabbed a hold of her. "Are you okay?" Jenner asked "She hasn't eaten in days. None of us have." Jacqui said.

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