7 ⭐︎ It's all your fault ⭐︎

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It was weird. Watching all the people slaughter the heads of those monster things that were no longer from our group anymore. Spencer was sitting in the shade with her arms resting on her knees and a baseball bat by her side in case any walker snuck up on her from behind. Her eyelids were heavy, her head felt like it was going to fall straight off her body. She just told herself she would close her eyes and rest her head on her arms. So she did just that.

"Spencer!" Rick said, Spencer got startled and quickly lifted her head, moving her right hand to the bottom of the baseball bat, and lifting it, cupping her left hand around her right. "Woah. Woah. Woah." Rick said, holding his hand out in front of him and slowly stepping toward her and taking the bat from her hands. "Are you alright?" He said crouching down in front of her,

"Yeah, Yeah I'm fine," She said standing up and dusting herself off. She swore for a split second she saw Rick as a walker, reaching his hand towards her ready to rip her apart.

"If you could help with the walkers that'd be great," Rick says pointing to the group, then he walks off.

Spencer could see Andrea gazing at her sister laying on the ground with a big chunk of skin and meat taken out of her shoulder. The amount of good and bad horror movies that she's seen, nothing can compare to this. This was worse than a horror movie.

It wasn't like Jaws.

It wasn't like Friday the 13th.

It wasn't like any Sleepaway Camp movie.

It wasn't like Halloween.

It wasn't like Carrie.

It wasn't like Saw.

But at the same time, it was better, it wasn't like home, it was better, it wasn't like school, it was better. She had Eli and that was all she really needed, she didn't have a crush on him or something, he was her best friend. She didn't even know how to date someone, like how do you do that stuff, is what she always wondered.

"Andrea. I'm so sorry. She's gone. You gotta let us, take her. We all cared about her and I promise we'll be as gentle as we can." Lori said, on her knees in front of Andrea. Spencer didn't know how to feel. Should she feel bad? Or should she not care at all and just tell Andrea to suck it up and kill her sister or she would do it herself?

The smell of the bodies was horrid. There was coughing, gagging, sweating, and sniffling all around the place. Rick tried talking to Andrea but she pulled a gun on him still holding Amy in her arms. Daryl was arguing with everyone about killing Amy right from where they were standing.

He was screaming and shouting some shit about his brother. Spencer and Eli were dragging a body over to the line of the people from their group when they heard Jacqui's voice saying "A walker got him. A bit Jim." Everyone ran over to Jim and Jacqui questioning what was going on. Spencer and Eli dropped the body and took off the gloves dropping them beside each other and walking to where everyone was surrounded.

Jim kept repeating, "I'm okay, I'm okay," trying to convince them he was gonna be fine.

Daryl was saying "Show it to us," Repeatedly. Johnny didn't even care, he was still crying. Sitting in the same position Andrea was holding Amy but he was holding both parents, his mom on his left and dad on his right. His mom was already shot in the head so no one had to deal with her but his dad wasn't shot or there was no head trauma so he was going to turn any second without anyone knowing or looking.

All the grown-ups were surrounded in a circle talking about what to do with Jim, Amy, and Johnny's dad. "Do you feel bad for Johnny?" Spencer asked. Eli shrugged not saying anything but turning his head behind his shoulder to watch Johnny.

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