12 ⭐︎ Waiting ⭐︎

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She stood in the doorway with her mouth agape and staring in awe.

Books upon books, behind a wooden desk, and on top of the desk was a very thick book with many pages. On the side of the pages was a gold outline and the cover was a nice black leather.

The bookshelf went all the way up to the ceiling probably farther than any of the people in their group could reach.

"Spencer?" A soft Southern accent called out down the hall.

Spencer quickly stepped back and closed the door as quietly as she could so Maggie wouldn't notice she was snooping. "Maggie," Spencer alerted the women. "I'm over here," she said.

She had to make up a good excuse as quickly as possible. She didn't think they would be mad at her for snooping but maybe it was best not to risk finding out.

"What were you doin'?" Maggie asked walking to Spencer while holding some thin books in her hands.

"Um- I was-"  Spencer stuttered while looking around the hallway. "I was- I was looking for the bathroom," She fibbed.

"Ya' could've just yelled me over. I would've helped ya' to the bathroom, ya' ain't supposed to be on your leg anyhow." Maggie explained. It was obvious she didn't want Spencer to pop the stitches.

Spencer liked Maggie, she was kind, not easily bothered, and didn't have a bad temper. She was really nice and always smiled but not too much.

One of Spencer's math teachers smiled all the time, she would never stop. She also smacked her lips every time she opened her mouth to speak. You could hear her saliva moving around in her mouth when she pronounced every single letter in the word.

"Sorry," Spencer said.

"There's a bathroom under these stairs over here," Maggie directed her. Spencer limped while following her trying to put absolutely all of her weight on one side.

"Do ya' need anything else? I got your books for ya'," Maggie asked.

"No, I'm good," She denied and continued limping to the bathroom.

She closed the door and as she closed the door she heard the front door slam, assuming Maggie went outside to try and catch up with the others.

Spencer finished washing her hands and stepped out of the bathroom. She held on to the smooth wall like it would help her get up if she fell which it obviously wouldn't.

"Spencer?" A voice whispered out.

It wasn't a man's voice or a woman's or even a little girl's. It sounded like Carl's voice but it sounded raspy and as if the person just woke up so it wasn't all that easy to figure.

She looked around the house but didn't move from where she was standing, she looked in the living room, kitchen, hallway and by the stairs but there wasn't anyone there.

The only two rooms that were open were the one at the end of the hallway and the one next to it, the one Spencer was in before.

She didn't think anyone would be in her room so there must've been someone in the room at the very end of the hall.

She remembered Hershel saying something about there being a boy in there who she assumed was Carl.

She limped more to where the room was and hesitantly peaked her head forward looking through the doorway.

Someone was lying in the bed that faced a nice sunlit window. The person's legs were skinny and kind of short but they were about the same height as her.

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