11 ⭐︎ The Castle Up On A Hill ⭐︎

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"Spencer! Spencer, wake up!" Elijah frantically shook Spencer awake as she was lying on the RV floor.

"Calm down kid. You don't wanna break her," Dale said while looking in the rearview mirror

"Hm?" Spencer hummed in confusion when sitting up. Her head and along with her whole body felt like it was on fire.

"We're here! We're at the farm!" Elijah shouted in excitement.

"What?" Spencer questioned, she was still groggy so she couldn't comprehend what Eli was shouting out.

When she finally realized what was going on, the only thing she could focus on was that Eli was talking to her. He was talking to her after almost four days. She was missing for one day and he already was hanging out with someone else.

She thought their friendship would be done for when he stopped talking to her. He barely even noticed that she showed up at the church. He didn't even bother to hug her or ask if she was okay. He just talked to Johnny the whole time she was there.

She tried to be as careful as she could while standing up not to hit her leg or hand on anything so neither wound would be irritated and send a jolt of sharp pain through her body.

She felt slightly dizzy and had to limp over to the table to lean against and make sure she didn't fall over.

When she looked out the side window above the table she could catch a glimpse of a big two-story house. She'd never been in a two-story house before, this was like a dream to her, a really weird dream. That house was like a castle in her eyes.

All she could think about was how many rooms there were, how much stuff she could find, how big the rooms were, how much ground she could explore, and how it would feel to finally sleep in a normal bed again.

Dale parked the RV on the sandy trail behind the rest of the cars. When Dale stopped Eli ran out the door with excitement and Johnny after him. Spencer walked to the door trying to follow the boys but then she hesitantly stopped in front of the steps.

She still couldn't get over that Eli talked to her after, what felt was such a long time ago. Even if he if he only said a few words it still meant a lot to her.

"Hey, you don't look so good," Dale said while moving the back of his hand to her forehead.

"You're burning up. Okay, let's hurry up and get you some help." Dale said.

"Come on. It ain't gonna hurt ya'," Dale said waving his finger towards the door and encouraging her to step forward. She still stood there staring at the steps. Spencer knew he was just trying to make her feel better but it wasn't working. She knew what was going to happen next when she was out of the RV.

She would have to get stitches. If she didn't like shots she was definitely not going to like stitches and she knew it.

"Here, I'll help," He said while stepping onto the second step and stopping to hold out his hand to her.

"Come on," He said. Spencer stepped forward, grabbed his hand, and stepped on the first step. Dale stepped down to the third and she stepped to the second. Dale stepped all the way down to the ground and she stepped to the third step. She was still hesitant about the last step mostly because it was a farther step than any of the others.

Daryl took notice of how hesitant she was and walked over. He reached both arms up causing the girl to slightly scoot back but immediately stopping herself from scooting back more and leaving Daryl with questions.

He continued to reach up to her without noticing the slight flinch she gave and putting his hands under her armpits. He then lifted her off the third step making her lift the bottom of her legs. Daryl set her on the ground softly and she fixed her sleeves.

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