Chapter 4

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Its been two days since I kissed Shawn. We've been texting a lot since that day, he's really sweet. My mom hasn't been here since Friday; which was my first day of school. I have no idea where she is but I'm used to her not being here. She looks nothing like me, I look more like my dad. Which isn't something that makes me happy. When I was a sophomore he would abuse my mom and I. I still have nightmares but the good thing is that he's in jail so he can't hurt me.

I have to go to school tomorrow which I don't really mind. I've come to enjoy going, my other school was way worse. Everyone bullied me because I always had bruises and I had panic attacks. Thats when I became depressed and started to self harm, it was a way to escape from all the pain. My mom soon realized what I was doing to myself and started taking me to a therapist. At first I wanted nothing to do with the therapist, but then it actually started helping. And here I am.

My thoughts were interrupted by a buzz. It was my phone. Shawn texted me asking if he could come over. I said sure and went to get clothes on so I didn't look like a hobo. I put some high waisted skinny jeans from hollister on and a long sleeve crop top because it was a little cold outside. 10 minutes later the doorbell rang. I ran down stairs and opened the door. Shawn looked at me and smiled. I opened the door wider so he could come in. We went to my living room and sat on the couch.

"What do you want to do?" I asked Shawn.

" Do you want to go for a walk?" He asked with a smile. Gosh he's so perfect.

I nod and go get my vans on and then we head out the door.

-Shawn's POV-

She's so beautiful. I'm taking her to a park so we can talk. I think I might ask her to be my girlfriend before anyone else does at school, especially Cameron.

-Kelly's POV-

Shawn and I have been talking for an hour at an abandoned park. He keeps asking personal questions about my old school, so I'm trying to stay away from that topic. I dont want him to find out about me being depressed. It's not something I'm proud of and I'm sure he'll just make fun of me like everyone else.

After about an two hours of talking, we decide to go back to my house. When I get home I felt a buzz in my back pocket. It was my mom.

Mom- I'm going on a trip to California for a few days. I left some money on my nightstand. Be safe, I love you.

I sighed and put my phone away.

"What's wrong?" Shawn asked with a worried look.

"My mom won't be here for a few days thats all." I say while taking my shoes off.

"Oh. Do you want me to stay the night? My mom won't mind." He says with a smile.

"Sure." I say.

This is going to be interesting.

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