Chapter 2

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(There's a picture of Kasey, Arabelle, and Janelle.)

First I got my outfit out and put music on. I grabbed a black dress that's flowy and short. I left my hair straightened and left my flower crown on. Then I put on some black high heels. Redid my makeup and grabbed a black purse. By the time my friends were here I was ready to go. I kissed my mom goodbye and walked out the door. My cuts never showed because they were on my thighs and most of them were scars now. I got in Kaseys car, and we drove to the dance. Once we got there it was pretty dark. Everyone was inside the building. Most of them weren't dancing though, just sitting at tables on their phones. Typical teenagers. Once we were settled in the building, I went to grab some punch. There was this cute guy staring at me. "Hi, I'm Cameron." He said with a smile. "Oh hi, I'm Kelly. I'm new here by the way." I said. "I know your new." He said. "Oh haha I knew that." I said stupidly. "Well you look very beautiful today, we should hangout sometime." He said. "Yeah we should." I said trying not to blush. After I said that I walked away. The dance wasn't really fun because my friends were just hanging out with their boyfriends. So I decided to walk home. When I was walking I heard footsteps behind me. I figured someone was doing the same thing as me so I didn't look back to see who it was. I was about halfway to my house when I stepped on a big rock and broke my high heel. I was about to fall until someone caught me. It was Shawn. He was pretty strong which was really attractive just saying. "Thanks for catching me." I said nervously. "No problem." Shawn said with a smile. "Stupid high heels." I whispered. I heard Shawn laugh, he must have heard me. "So what are you doing here late at night walking home." Shawn said curiously. "Well the dance got boring so I decided to walk home." I said while limping because of my broken high heel. As soon as Shawn saw me limping he picked me up and put me on his back. "You didn't have to do that." I said. I guess he was a lot stronger than I thought. "I know but I wanted too." He said kindly. He carried me all the way home then put me down when he got to my door. "Thanks. If you want you can come inside, it's really late and cold outside." I said trying to return the favor. "Are you sure?" He asked. He was probably worried about my mom. "Yeah its okay, my mom isn't here. No one is." I said. "Okay." He said while walking inside my house. As soon as we got inside my house his lips were on mine. Sparks were everywhere, I'm sure he felt it too because he was smiling in between breaths. I was kinda waiting for this all night. I guess I really did like Shawn.

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