Chapter 1

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(There's a picture of Kelly and her mom.)

"Kelly! Get up, your going to be late for school!" My mom Carolyn yelled. Today was my first day of school well at least to me. It was September and school started in August but I'm kinda getting a late start. So anyways my name is Kelly Woods, I'm 17 and I'm a senior in school. I'm a cheerleader and im not one of those popular girls that you hear about all the time. I have had a really hard time in life. I've cut before, and I am depressed. I'm a really good student in school and I try not to draw too much attention. I have friends but most of them are fake. I have slightly blonde hair which is almost brown and green eyes. After arguing with my mom about going to school I got dressed. I put on some acid wash high waisted shorts and a daisy shirt with combat boots and a flower crown. After that I did my makeup. I did my mascara, eyeliner, then my lipstick which was red. After that I grabbed my purse and my phone and ran out the door. I walked to school with my ear buds in listening to music. When I got to school all eyes were on me. Boys were whistling, girls were starring at me with dirty looks. I went to my locker and grabbed my books for math. As soon as the bell rang I ran to class hoping it was the right one I opened the door and the teacher greated me. "Class this is our new student Kelly Woods." He said with a smile. I smiled at the class. "You can sit next to Shawn." The teacher said.      I looked to see where Shawn was. He was in the back. "Hey I'm Shawn." He said with the most perfect smile. "Hi. Kelly." I said returning the smile. He was cute but I probably would never date him. When I was taking notes, Shawn handed me a green paper that said, Fall Dance. "It's tonight, you should come." He said. "Thanks, I'll see if I can." I said.

School actually wasn't that bad, I made some really nice friends. Janelle, Arabelle, and Kasey. They were all going to the dance and invited me. I decided I'll go since everyone wanted me to. As soon as I got home I got ready for the dance.

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