Chapter 7

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It had been a week since the police officer came to the door. I haven't been yo school and I've been avoiding everyone. Shawn comes over everyday to make sure I'm okay, but I just ignore him. I know that he's just trying to be a good friend and boyfriend but I just want to be left alone. For some reason I actually felt hungry for once so I went searching in the freezer for some ice cream but instead I found some alcohol.

An hour later there was a knock at the door and after a few times of knocking they finally just opened the door. It was Shawn. He looked at an empty bottle of vodka on the floor and looked at me. I was already on my second bottle. He picked up the empty bottle and took the one I was drinking away from me.

"You shouldn't be drinking." He said sternly.

"You're not my mom." I slurred and laughed slightly.

He just looked at me, I could te he was worried about me. Before he could say anything I passed out.

I woke up and looked around to see that I wasn't at my house, and it felt like my head was going to explode. I looked around to figure out where I was and I saw someone on the floor with a guitar.

"Shawn?" I croaked.

"You're up?" He said as he sighed with relief. He put the guitar down and walked towards me.

"I'm sorry." I said as I frowned. I was embarrassed for him to see me like that. I looked down at my hands and Shawn sat down.

"No need to apologize. It was just your way of coping." He said while smiling at me. I really had to stop pushing people away who cared. I just wasn't used to this.

"I'm guessing this is your room?" I said while trying to stand up without falling, I was still a little messed up.

"Yeah. I figured I could keep an eye on you here." Shawn said while giving me a pill. I'm guessing to help with the headache. I nodded and took the pill.

"Shawn! I'm home from work!" I heard a woman yell, probably his mom. We went downstairs and Shawn introduced me to his mom. She's really nice and she apologized about what happened to my mom. I told her not to apologize because honestly an apology wasn't going to bring my mom back, but I tried to be very polite to his mom. I wanted to make a good first impression.

After talking to his mom for awhile I decided to text Kasey and tell her that I was okay. I'm guessing she told people at school because at first Shawn and her were the only ones who knew but I had over 20 messages asking if I was okay. When I was done texting everyone it was about time to go to bed. Shawn insisted that I'd stay at his house so he could make sure I went to school tomorrow.


When I woke up Shawn wasn't next to me. I figured he went to go and get ready. After about an hour I was ready, I put on some clothes Shawn had grabbed from my house. Luckily they matched. He got some ripped skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt that said "geek" on the front. He also grabbed my combat boots and my makeup bag. I went down stairs to find Shawn, he was sitting on the couch looking at his phone.

"Watcha doin?" I asked. I was in a better mood than I was yesterday. I was actually happy.

"I'm on vine." He said while still looking at his phone.

"Vine? What's that?" I asked. After him explaining to me what it was I saw that he had almost 1 million followers.

"You have a lot of followers. How?" I say curiously.

"I sing and stuff." He said while looking up at me. He showed me a few of his vines where he was singing. He actually really good , it actually intrigues me. After we talked about vine and how he's a good singer we left for school. When I got there everyone was staring at me.

Some people came up to me to ask how I was and stuff. I told them that I was okay and not to worry about me. During lunch I went to go sit at a table with Shawn, Kasey, Janelle, and Arabelle when a tall brunette came up to me.

"Kelly! I am so sorry about what happened to your mother! If you want to talk we can hangout today around 5pm at your house." She said it seemed like she was practically inviting herself to my house but I nodded and said sure. Before she walked off she gave me her number.

"Who was that?" I asked my friends.

"Ashley Benson. She's really popular and everyone says she's two faced." Kasey says while taking a sip of water.

"Rumour has it that she has a huge crush on Shawn." Arabelle says.

"I would stay away from her if I were you Kelly." Janelle says.

"I don't really see how those things are true, she seems nice." I thought to myself.


Okay so I changed the characters in the story because I couldn't find the names of the other people. Thank you so much for 100 reads! I still need to do some editing on chapter 8 so I will probably post it tomorrow night because it's like almost 1am where I live so yeah lol okay byee.


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