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It has been two days since Roberto put Joe and Tom as his new bodyguards. They both were dressed up in a black suit to make sure Roberto is not getting hurt by putting him in his car or getting people away from him. After a while, they all arrived at the penthouse, Tom and Joe was tired.

Tom: Man, it's like we were protecting a king or a president.

Joe: Robert is the prime minister.

Tom: Man, it's hard. I'm out of my prime.

Poppy: How was work?

Tom: I don't get paid.

Roberto walked in.

Roberto: Thanks, lads. Here's your cheque.

Joe: What's this?

Roberto: For your good service and good protection.

Tom: Thanks.

Tom looked at the number, and he was shocked.

Tom: 200 thousand pounds?!

Roberto: You both deserve it.

Joe: I don't understand why you pay us when We are all going home in few days.

Roberto: I just want you two to be close to me, and I trust you guys. Soon, when you go, I can get my friends to become my bodyguards. In the meantime, I need you two there. But don't worry, that's your salary for your whole week done.

Tom: It's too much.

Roberto: Live a little.

Suddenly, the kids came from outside and hugged the elders.

Dan: Yo, Uncle Rob, I was thinking we should do some piano lessons together.

Roberto: Sorry, Dan. The prime minister of France is coming to meet me along with the president of France. Sorry, kid.

Dan: It's okay. What about the drum festival tomorrow?

Camila: Tamborrada.

Dan: Yes, that one.

Tigger: I live drums. Boom, boom, boom.

Oliver: I don't think drum does that, Tigger.

Jack: Yeah, the Tamborrada one was on our list.

Walter: I don't like loud festivals.

Roberto: Not tomorrow, sorry, kids. I'm meeting the German prime minister tomorrow. I'm busy.

Camila: Come on, at least delay for the kids.

Roberto: Sorry, guys. Come on Tom, Joe.

Tom: Well kids, don't worry, I will be there. Maybe not, don't worry, we will do it next year.

Joe: Don't worry, lads.

Bugs: Bye, dad.

Joe: Bye, son. Bye, everyone.

Everyone: Bye.

Tigger: Bye, Daddy.

Tom: Goodbye.

Later on, at Palace of Moncloa, Roberto was writing a speech. Tom and Joe were standing behind him to keep an eye on him. Roberto turned away.

Roberto: Lads sit down.

Tom: Can't.

Roberto: Why?

Joe: So you don't die.

Roberto: What? That's a thick wall! Don't worry, lads. Sit down!

Tom and Joe sat down and became comfortable.

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