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(Still writing, long episode, go to the next one)

Oscar Sweet was just a 5'9, muscular and young in his mid 20s. He was in his blacksmith uniform helping his dad and younger brother in crafting daggers. Oscar's dad was nearly in his 50s and has big black beard, 6'3 and much stronger than Oscar and Rio because he sent his entire life making and crafting heavy weapons for the British army. Rio was skinny but want to be like his father, he's 6'2 and has light brown hair. Oscar was working hard on making those dagger and smiled. 

Oscar: It's done, father. 

Harold: Well done, Oscar. Oh, Rio, you are getting there. 

Rio: I am trying, it's not doing so well. 

Harold: Let me help you son. 

When Harold hold Rio's hammer and smashing and finishing the dagger, he blackout, felt dizzy and had an heart attack. He fell on the floor, with him trying to breath.

Oscar: Dad!

Oscar ran to his father and Rio helped his brother to get Harold up. After a while, he was in the hospital, laying on the bed. 

Harold: I hate going to the hospital. 

Oscar: It's for your own best. You had a minor heart attack.Next time, it will be worse. Are you sure you okay, father?

Harold: I am fine. I hope you didn't call your Uncle Frank, he would laugh at me. 

Rio: Well, I did. 

Harold: God damn it, Rio! Ah!

Rio: careful father. 

Harold: I am fine. Any ways, how's Kate and your son. 

Oscar: My wife is fine and the baby is due in a month time. 

Suddenly, everyone heard the news on the radio that Austrian archduke has been assassinated by South Slav nationalist, Gavrilo Princip and now the Austria-Hungary are declaring war on Serbia. They were all shocked. 

Harold: Lets hope the UK doesn't join in. 

Rio: Yeah lets hope. 

Oscar: (quietly) Yeh. 

Later on, WW1 propaganda poster was all around buildings and trees. Oscar pick it up from the ground. 

Oscar: "Britons wants you. Join the country's army. God save the King."

Rio went forward to Oscar and saw the poster. 

Rio: Put that away.

Oscar: Why?

Rio: Don't tell me you want to join?

Oscar: Why not?

Rio: It's a disease fighting for false information. The country don't care about us, Oscar. They use us to fight their useless wars. After wars, they will treat us like trash. And you know that well. 

Oscar: Maybe you are wrong, little brother. 

Rio: Dad will kill you. 

Oscar: Why? In war, you are already dead. I love this country and I will sign up and die for them. And it's good to have army training, maybe become a sergeant or captain. 

Rio: Dad don't like the army. The army hates him. You remember right?

Oscar: I don't care. I am going and that's...

At home, Harold was angry and yelling at Oscar. 

Harold: NO! You are not going, son.

Oscar: Why dad? I don't see myself as a blacksmith. 

Harold: Then, get a new job! I didn't force you into this, did I, son?

Oscar: No, dad. Why can't join? Afraid that I get shot or injured? 

Harold: Or you will die, you never thought of that?

Oscar: I will be fine. 

Harold: FINE?! Fine? Son, I want to see you alive. You have a wife, who is crying right now. 

Oscar: Don't worry, dad, she will get over it. 

Harold: Imagine I lost you that means your son lost you too. I will lose a son and your son will lose his father. Do you want that?

Oscar: No, I don't. 

Harold: Then, stay. Here with me, son. Please, son. Please. 

Oscar: I am sorry, father. But I promise you I will be alive when I come back. 

Harold: And if you don't?

Oscar: Then, I know I had a great life along with my father, wife, brother and my son. 

Harold was sad and Rio was crying. 

Rio: Why?

Oscar: I just have a feeling, that, this is perfect for me. 

Rio: (sad) I will miss you. 

Oscar smiled. 

Oscar: Me too. Maybe you should join me, Rio.

Rio: No. 

Rio was sad and walked off. Even Harold as well. 

Oscar: Dad, please. The country needs me.

Harold: I know but this war is going to be dangerous, it will change you. But my son I won't stop you. 

Harold walked off. Oscar was sad. He saw his wife crying and upset. He walked to his room and was sad. 

Oscar: (sighed) My darling, I will come back. 

Kate: Are you?

Oscar: That's my promise. When the baby pops out, I will be there. I will write letters to you, every single day, If I can manage it. 

(kate dies of giving birth to Lee)

(Harold dies while Kenny is being born with his second wife, scarlet)

(Prime minister of UK)

(Oscar trains Tom jr)
(his death)

The Sweet Family (Season 2)Where stories live. Discover now