Dan's driving test

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Walter was outside on the house's roof baloney to get wet mud and dirt out of the blocked pipes and doesn't want to do it.

Walter: Dad I don't want to do it.

Tom: Just do it!

Everyone was watching him from the window but not Bugs, Poppy and Joe.

Jack: come on, Walter.

Walter: Why not you do, Jack?

Jack: I can't fit through windows but you can.

Tom: Stop being a baby, Walter. Do it!

Walter: Nope. Nope. I'm a coward and forever will be. I hate wet and soggy and dirty and stinky pipe muds.

Walter was going to vomit and was trying to hold it in.

Walter: Yuck.

Tom: Gosh, do I have everything myself?

Jilly: Let me go.

Megan: I don't mind.

Dan: Shall I go?

Tom: Yeah go on Danny.

Dan got through the window and saved Walter's life.

Oliver: here's the black bin bag, put the mud in there.

Oliver handed Dan the black bin bag.

Walter: You didn't give me that before?

Oliver: I forget.

Walter: how? How?!

Jack: Stop being annoying, Walter.

Megan: Yeah, cry baby.

Walter: (cried) shut up. Leave me alone.

Tigger: Leave Walter alone... -

Walter: Thanks Tigger.

Tigger: he's not brave like me.

Walter: What?

Tom: Walter get out.

Walter: Okay, help me.

Jack and Tom got Walter out of the window and Dan did the job by getting all the soggy mud in the black bin.

Dan: Yuck. I have done it.

Tom: Good. Close the bag and throw it at the front garden.

Dan: Okay.

Dan throws the bag and accidentally hit Tom's car, making a huge mess.

Dan: Shit. Dad, your car.

Tom: What's wrong with my car?

Tom ran downstairs leaving them behind and looked at this car, shocked.

Tom: Dan, be more careful.

Dan: Sorry dad.

Tom: Man. I already clean this car yesterday.

The boys and the girls ran downstairs to go outside.

Jack: oo, bad. Did you clean your car yesterday?

Tom: Of course.

Tigger: Yay, more cleaning to the car.

Oliver: Good luck dad.

Walter: Yeah. I'm gonna do work.

Tigger: can I stay?

Tom: Sure. Dan, you helping me and Tigger.

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