Respect the Veterans

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It was morning, Tom was putting the dustbin inside his car park and saw an old man walking to his house.

Tom: Good morning sir.

The old man didn't say anything. He was infact has a moody face. The old man needed help to put the dustbin in and Tom offered to him by doing it for him. The old man was about to smile and forgot to be angry. He become angry.

Tom: Hi, I'm Tom Sweet Jr 

The old man was shocked and secretly smirked.

Scott: Stay away from my property!

Tom: Oh sir. I'm sorry. I was trying to help.

Scott: I said beat it... kid.

Tom: Yes sir.

Tom exit his front garden and turned around.

Tom: my old pal was in the British Army. Have you heard General Thomas Sweet Senior? WW2 Veteran. Great man. I also served in the army, I'm British Army General and US Army Brig General. Vietnam Veteran. 7 years in the bloody jungle. I'm born and raised in America. My kids are raised here. Long story.

The old man was annoyed and was walked off.

Scott: Good for you General, now stay away from me!

Scott the old man slammed the door really hard, leaving Tom confused and upset. Tom heard a scream. He ran inside and saw Jack stopping the pipes straying more water from the sink. Poppy and Jack was soaking wet.

Jack: Shit!

Tom: What's happened?

Poppy: you okay, darling?

Jack: Yeah I'm fine. I need to change. Don't worry dad, the pipes opened up.

Tom: Okay, as long noone got hurt.

Tom was sad.

Poppy: you okay, honey?

Tom: Yeah I'm fine.

Poppy: okay, I'm just checking. I better get change.

Tom nodded.

Tom: Where you going son?

Jack: Spain.

Tom: Why?

Jack: to get Spanish car companies to give shares so we can sell more classic, modern and super cars to be rich.

Tom: Why Spain?

Jack: They don't have alot of expensive or big companies there and also want to meet Uncle Robert as well for a little while. You want to come?

Tom: No, no, no, son. I'm fine. You go and get changed. You gonna be late.

Jack nodded. Later on, Tom was sitting down on his chair. Thinking about the old man. Poppy sat down and gave tea for her and Tom.

Tom: Thank, Poppy.

Poppy: you okay, what's bothering you?

Tom: do we have old people living in this neighbourhood?

Poppy: they all moved out as I know. Why?

Tom: I saw an old man next door here.

Poppy: maybe visiting.

Tom: guests don't go around and get dustbin and put it in their visitor's house. He looks angry, tired and lonely.

Poppy: talk to him.

Tom: he won't. I tried. I think he knows my dad.

Poppy: Really?

Tom: if papa was alive, he would be in his early 80s. This man could be and look like in his mid 70s.

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