『Chapter 2~』

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The night air was cold.

I didn't feel tired anymore, I just kept walking on and on through the moonlight.

I became aware that I was walking through the grass, and I could see the fuzzy outline of the playground.At this point my legs were screaming in pain.I ran over to the swings,(they were always my favourite when I was a kid).

I noticed some random  emo bitch sitting on one of the swings, but I was too tired and annoyed to care about him.

I sat down and let out a sigh.

The guy looks over "you look half dead"

"Yeah and I feel it too"I lightly kicked his leg.

"That makes two of us"he smiles bitterly.

I return his bitter smile.

There was something comforting about the cool night air and the silence.It didn't feel awkward it just felt...... at ease

Like time and space stopped in this one moment.Or maybe I was going crazy-after all this was the worst day of my life.I sighed and looked at the other guy.He looked tired.

"What are you looking at, moron?"

I scowled at him "you're blocking the view"

"I AM the view"

I rolled my eyes .He stuck his tongue out at me.The ghost of a playful smile lay on his lips.

"The stars are beautiful tonight."I look up , and the stars shine like gems against the velvety night sky.They are beautiful- like Ayato. Tears well up in my eyes.

"Hey look! A shooting star!"I say trying not to think of Ayato

"make a wish" the guy whispers, barely audible.

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The star shoots past, shining gold as it  light up the ebony sky.

"I wish....."

"I wish to be with the one I love"I whispered softly-The moment I made that wish I regretted it-How could I do this to Keqing?

The boy seemed to be lost in his own wish.The gentle breeze rustled through his hair and the stars reflected in his dark eyes.

"Hey,"I looked at him

"What was your wish?"

 He glanced back at me, with empty eyes and simply said:

"I wish I'd never been born at all."

        ☆         ☆         ☆


ㅇㅅㅇ ok sorry if i made yall cringe-

also wattpad is being a bitch and not letting me upload pics and gif so 😕


stay hydrated my loves<3(╹◡╹)

♡*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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