Chapter seven: I wallow in self pity

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I want to skip this part in the story.I am not proud of the way I acted in those next days,nor what I did.

But,I want to tell this story as accurately as possible, so here we go —>

Sure, on the outside I appeared fine, just a bit tired! But on the inside....Not to sound cringe,but I wanted my friends to see the real me - the pathetic loser who can't take any loss- and yet I sat there, pretending to be fine, smiling as usual.

Not even Hu tao, my best friend noticed a thing.Some friend.

I don't even want to THINK the name Ayato, definitely not see him every day.He's too busy making out with Kequing in the hallways.

My mom kicked me out of the house because all I did was "laze around and be useless".So yay.Now I have to wait until she decides to let me in!

 Fuck this, Imma go on a walk .

To be honest, I kinda just moped around the town, and when I eventually went past Ayato's house, I decided to go back to the park, for nostalgia's sake.Totally for nostalgia,not to write Fuck  Ayato on the swing set.Yup.


Hey guys,who are your favourite vocaloids?

I like oliver,len,flower,fukase and gumi. :)

Also, what are your opinions on Fontaine?

Personally, I love diving :)

See you in the next chapter :D

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