☆*:.。. Part 12 -park gates .。.:*☆

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Kazuha and I walked to the park gates in silence.

I shivered a little, as the cold night breeze blew through my clothes.The night wasn't as forgiving as I thought it would be.

Kazuha noticed and tilted his head.He wordlessly took off his coat and draped it around my shoulders.It was warm..and smelled surprisingly...nice? He didn't meet my eyes as he justified this action. "You..looked cold, so I thought .."

I felt heat rising to my cheeks, and I mumbled a few words of gratitude."Thank you, nobody's ever done this kinda stuff for me." I could have sworn he grinned as he replied "then I'll have to do it more often." I raised my eyebrows, and joked "yeah, sure I doubt that I'll still be around by then"

His grin faded  "What do you mean.?"

(Oh shit.I got too comfortable again.)

"It's..just a joke, geez!" My laugh was forced. Kazuha still looked uncomfortable, so I shut up.The air was still, and the silence hung between us like a curtain.

"But thanks for your coat."

"You're welcome"

Kazuha suddenly smiled and broke the awkward tension. "Would you like to meet me for boba next week, if you're free?" I grin "that'd be great, we could also go for a walk after, you have a dog, right?"

"That sounds great. You'll still be around then, right.?"He asked 

I froze, remembering that I had mentioned it earlier. "Uuuh, yeah.. but that was just a joke .don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

-awkward pause-

"So yeah, we can still meet up then"I attempted to resurrect the conversation.

"Okay, sounds good" He smiled. "By the way, what do you mean by leaving..?" His voice  dropped to a more serious tone.

"It's nothing." I snapped,  my voice harsh without realising.(another friend that probably hates me now)My tone immediately softened , an I apologised to a concerned Kazuha.

"You don't need to apologise" he whispered "I should be apologising. I don't want to be nosy, or anything."

I look him in the eyes and take his hands in mine. "No, I'm just being rude, and bitchy. Feel free to hate it."

His face flushed at my sudden touch, and I quickly pulled my hands away. "Sorry."

We had finally reached the park gates, and avoiding Kazuha's gaze, I began to take off his coat that I was wearing, but he stopped me. "You'll be cold....just..borrow it until we next meet, okay?" He said gently and tilted his head.

I nod "I -okay..you'll be cold though." Kazuha looked amused. "The cold is the least of my worries" He turned and grinned as he waved me goodbye. "Until next time, midnight girl!"

I grinned and waved.

As I walked home, shrouded in Kazuha's jacket, I realised that I didn't think about Ayato for most of that encounter.I didn't know why but that made me happy.I was also looking forward to seeing Kazuha again.He makes me feel... what's the word....?..

     he makes me feel loved.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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