˚✧₊⁎chapter one~⁎⁺˳✧༚

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The pavement was wet.

I was aware that my dress was getting soaked, but I didn't really care.I told myself that I wanted to be alone , but in reality I was waiting for Ayato to look out of the window and notice me.

I'm a terrible person.

I could hear the muffled music of the party a couple of blocks down.The night air was cold, but the light drizzle of rain was  weirdly comforting . It hid my tears.

I sat there ,in the rain, waiting for him ,knowing he would never come.

I'm a terrible person.

Keqing is one of my closest friends, but when i saw her kissing Ayato, i just felt pure hatred for her.I always knew Ayato never liked me like that - but I foolishly clung on to that one sliver of hope -that maybe, perhaps, possibly there was a tiny chance he found me attractive.

I got my hopes up.

I hate everything- that stupid smurf haired man with his annoying perfect smile and cute mole next to his lips and his irritating politeness and kindness.I'm such a shitty person -ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS IS WITH HER CRUSH, AND I HATE HER FOR IT!!??Im too self obsessed-i dont deserve to live tbh.If Iwas gone Keqing and Ayato wouldn't care.They're the perfect couple.They'd be happy in their little perfect world without me being a fucking burden.Maybe I should just-

I can't do this anymore 

I let in a deep breath. I should just go home, but I can't seem to move myself from this wet, miserable place.Home is warm, safe and dry..... but Ayato is here.As long as he's here theres still a chance.....

Fuck this- I'm leaving

i got up and started walking  slowly down the block - some foolish part of me hoped that he would see me and stop me  from leaving , but no. I was just some drenched idiot standing in the evening rain.

about halfway down the block.I stumbled and fell over.

As if this evening wasn't bad enough- there was blood all over my dress and my heel snapped.I took off my heels -they were hurting my feet anyways and proceeded to walk barefoot.

If you don't know, walking barefoot on  gravel, rocks and the occasional glass shard is not fun!So after about what felt like an eternity (but was probably just 10 minutes), I made the extremely intelligent decision to look for the park by Ayato's house in the dark.

I had never been to this park, but i heard Ayato mention it a couple of times 

I stumbled around in the dark for a while, completely lost and exhausted.I started to question wether this was a good idea- it probably wasn't, but it was late to back out now -night had fallen.

I was aware that I was standing on grass.It was so soft ....maybe If  I lay down .... Only for a few moments....I could feel at ease........

                                                ☆*:.。.                ☆        ☆        ☆                      .。.:*☆

When I woke up, the moon was high in the sky. The stars illuminated a path through an alleyway. 

I stood up and followed the stars 

                                                                               ☆  ☆  ☆


I hope this wasn't too cringy for you guys(╹◡╹)♡

Listening to the song and imagining kazu singing it to tomo and sobbing rn

next chapter this week <3

bye bye <3

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