Week/Log 2

261 6 0

Tape Recorder:

(y/n): last week was great. Even if it was only one of my targets, I still feel some satisfaction. Now this is log 2 or week 2. I decided that I would take out one a week. If I do one every day or close, it can cause suspicion between my other targets and maybe the vampires here too. My targets could be aware of someone coming after them, which can blow my cover. My sister did kill her victims kind of fast, between two and three days. It might have been the reason she got caught...

The noise of sniffing. Then someone drinking out of a cup and then putting it down.

(y/n): sorry, that day really hurt me a lot. Sometimes I even had nightmares of those people killing my sister. I hope ending them all will finally give me some peace of my mind.

Someone drinking from a cup again.

(y/n): anyways, after eliminating that boy, I thought of who's next. Then I decided on the one who lives close to my part of the city. Her name is Moeko. She is a tomboy with a tough girl personality and attitude. The boys around her are a bit intimidated by her because of that and her being taller than a normal girl. I also heard that she is the girlfriend of one of the others and a nasty rumor about her. She has a "secret hobby." Something dangerous that she could get in big trouble for. I think I will follow her again and see what it is. I can find a way to make her habits backfire on her.

Sound of chair moving.

(y/n): you know what they say... You play with fire, you get burned.

Recording end:

No one pov:

(y/n) was following Moeko. She looked tough and tall. She was even taller than (y/n) and most of the guys around. (y/n) saw as she collected trash, and he thought, why. Then Moeko goes to a dead end with some large metal barrel. She put the trash, and some of it was old torn clothes. Then with a match, she lit it on fire. She looked like she was having fun staring at it. Then with a bucket of water, put it out. (y/n) went back away from her sight.

(y/n): well, it looks like she really is playing with fire. Now she will burn.

(y/n) thought that with how she was doing it, he could make it look like an accident. (y/n) saw Moeko refill the bucket the put it back next to the barrel. The next day, (y/n) puts a bit of gasoline he took from a while ago and puts it in Moeko's bucket of water.

(y/n): this should do

He brought his own bucket of water to replace the other one when the time was right. Moeko returned and did it again, but this time it was horribly wrong. The fire grew, and it caught Moeko on fire.


(y/n) watch with a sinister smile as she burned and died. Then he replaced the bucket and got out of there before some people came and saw the burned body. (y/n) has stricken again.

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