Week/Log 8

112 2 0

Tape Recorder:

(y/n): I am getting closer. This is my 8th log. I had dealt with another of those who hurt me and my sister. The last one was almost too easy, but I almost got caught. The progenitors Crowley, Chess, and Horn were coming across my way. If I hadn't killed Jade sooner, they could have caught me. We talked briefly about Luke and Ai's "accidents," and they didn't seem to think that I had done it. They offered me to be a replacement for Luke. Of course, I refused, and they seemed surprised by that. They left me alone after I went back on my way home. I hadn't seen them since. I got lucky from that kill, or everything could have been ruined with me dead or worse.

Sound of something scraping the table.

(y/n): Now it's time to talk about Komako. Yamato nadeshiko. It's a phrase that refers to the traditional Japanese concept of the "ideal woman." A woman who is pure and feminine. Gentle, graceful, humble, patient, faithful... Meek, quiet, timid. Keep things clean, bear lots of children, and respect your husband no matter what. Know your place. A kind of woman going extinct. People seemed to think of her like that. It all makes me sick to think of her being like after what she did. She should have known her place and not taken part in my sister's death.

A knife goes into the table.

(y/n): Komako is popular anywhere near where she lives. Boys want her, and girls want to be her. I think maybe vampires like her too. It's like she had cast a spell. Well, it's time to break that spell from that witch. I'd like to stain her perfect reputation... and turn her adoring fans into her enemies.

Recording end:

No one pov:

Luckily, (y/n) knew where Komako lived. When she wasn't home, (y/n) snuck into her home. He ended up finding her dairy. He read it and found out a lot of embarrassing and bad things about her.

(y/n): oh my, you are one dirty woman with all of that

Then he returned the dairy like it wasn't touched and left. Then he went around the area and gossiped about Komako. Some of it was true, and some of it was not. But, it was a way to make things easier for (y/n). It took over a day for him to tell a decent about of people about Komako. Soon, everyone bullied her for her damaged reputation. She couldn't take it anymore in just a few days and decided to end it all. It was (y/n)'s plan for that to happen.

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