Week/Log 5

150 6 1

Tape Recorder:

(y/n): Jason was so healthy, strong, and handsome, yet he died of a healthy drink. Log 5 of this whole mission. Thanks to a simple fruit, another fly fell dead. It was a little interesting that I was with a few people around when he died. I was also a little nervous because people could have caught me, but nobody suspected me. I heard the vampires tried to do a little investigation, but they found nothing and thought it was an accident. Things are starting to come together. I feel like I'm on a roll, but I have a problem. I'm not sure about a few locations of my targets, like where they live.

Sound of paper moving.

(y/n): but I have an idea of how I can get their location. I will get it out from one of my next targets, Luke. I believe they all must still have friendly terms with each other. Luke is like an annoying brat. He is usually around a few progenitors named Crowley, Chess, and Horn. They are a powerful kind of vampire. I heard Luke is like their pet or servant who will be turned by one of them soon. Luke looks down on every other human besides his friends. I want to get rid of him soon and get my answers.

A knife strikes the table.

(y/n): I also followed him before, and he likes to walk alone at night near the rails to look at the city. I think I know what to do, but first... I will intimidate him before... letting him go.

Recording end:

No one pov:

Night came, and Luke was outside at night. He walked near the rail and stopped. He looked over the city for a bit.

(y/n): nice night, isn't it, Luke?

Luke turns around to see (y/n) with a smile.

Luke: get loss lower...

(y/n) then punches Luke in the face. (y/n) pushes him to the rail with part of his body hanging over.

Luke: do you know a few powerful vampires will turn me soon? They will hate it if you do anything to me.

(y/n) pulls out his knife and puts it near Luke's neck.

(y/n): I know, and do I look like I give a damn about it?

Luke became pretty scared, and (y/n) knew it.

(y/n): now, this is what we are going to do. You are going to tell me where a few of your old friends are. If you give me my answer truthfully, I will let you live.

Luke: what friends?

(y/n) told him of the names with a mad face. Luke was even more scared.

Luke: why?

(y/n): you all killed my sister three years ago

Luke realized who he was talking about.

Luke: it was their idea. I will tell you, and will you not kill me?

(y/n): yes

Luke nervously told (y/n) about where they are usually. It was about enough for (y/n) know. Him going around the city enough and having a map will help him do the rest.

(y/n): thank you, and remember I said I will not kill you?

Luke: yes, that's what you said

(y/n) smiled.

(y/n): I lied

(y/n) pushed Luke over the rails. He fell far, screaming, and died from the fall. (y/n) now knows where the others are now.

(y/n): what a helpful chap. Now, your all next and that was the second time I prevent from another vampire existing

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