Week/Log 12

140 3 0

Tape Recorder:

(y/n): I did it. I had finally done it. This is my 12th log, and it could be my final log. I still can't believe I killed Ferid, a 7th progenitor vampire at least a thousand years old. All I had to do was let him bite then use his own sword to decapitate him while processing my dark taste. He was still conscious, but I still put his head and body in a fire place to destroy his remains. I was lucky no one working around there at that time and there was a janitor closet close by. Vampires started to wonder about Ferid's disappearance. I also threw a book through that palace and broke the window. The book was a journal of Ferid's betrayal against his kind. Nobody had tried to kill or get me yet. So, I must be out of the woods now. I don't know whether it was fate or luck, but it worked anyway. This week, I just returned some stuff I took back where they belonged because I don't need them anymore. I walked around the city and relaxed. I got my revenge and avenged my sister and Taro. I hope they can both rest now that their killers are gone.

Sound of someone drinking.

(y/n): It took eleven weeks, but it was worth it. The night after killing Ferid, I had the best sleep since before Ayano's death. I stopped having nightmares of those people. I guess I had finally found peace. I also no longer had the desire to kill. I'm hoping I don't have to anymore, but I would for self-defense or someone doing something terrible to me, like I'm sure you have an idea of what that would be. Oh yeah, I just remembered. This log also has another purpose.

Sound of paper moving.

(y/n): I am also planning to leave the city for good. I know all of the exits thanks to this map. I already knew a few of them in case if something went wrong. I will need to check each of them to decide which is the best. I plan on leaving in two or three weeks to get or save stuff like food. Maybe get stuff not like what I did before. I still have a feeling that I'm being watched. I think leaving the city will make it all go away. Now, I have one last thing to say in this log.

A sound of a heavy sigh.

(y/n): if you had listened to my other logs, then thank you. I wanted a way to track myself in what I did. You know everything I did and why I did it. You also know how I did it. I would probably be out of the city for good when you listen to this. If you need to kill someone, you might get advice on how to do it. Hope you have a good life, from yours truly, (y/n) Aishi.

Recording end:

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