Week/Log 10

115 1 0

Tape Recorder:

(y/n): That felt good again. This is my 10th log. I had killed the last killer of my sister's murderers. They also can't hurt anyone anymore. They can't take anyone, family, or any loved person. I bet Ayano must be proud of me for taking them out. I started to sleep better since my last kill. However, I am not done yet. The people I killed were pests and not real threats. They killed my sister, but it was because they were given permission. Now, I need to deal with them, and the problem is that... they are all vampires.

Sound of someone drinking something.

(y/n): Luckily, I only have to deal with three and not nine. The hard part is that vampires are not killed easily. They are fast, strong, tough, have regeneration, and lack emotions. However, that doesn't mean they can't be killed. First, I will deal with two of them because I have seen them as a paired group of guards. I don't think I can get them separated. I can't just go up and deal with them like the others. Instead, I'm going to do a trap. This whole city is basically inside one giant cave. I can use that to my advantage. Before they can get the drop on me, I will get the drop on them.

Recording end:

No one pov:

(y/n) took note of their patrol route. He got ready for the trap. He got big, spiked rocks from the ceiling of the city. He went above an entrance to a tunnel where the pair of vampires would come through. He knows how they walk and prepares the rocks to go down when the time comes. A bucket of water, two trash bags, and a mop were around after the trap had done its job. He waited, and no one was around. He also chose this place because not too many people are around. Then (y/n) heard the footsteps coming. They were coming close.

(y/n): 1... 2... 3... now

Then he let go of the rocks. He could hear loud crunching noises in a few seconds, then a few thuds like some people fell over. He saw that his trap worked. The vampires were down on the ground with sharp rocks in their necks or head that also went down deeper into their bodies. (y/n) ran to them, got the knife out, and began cutting their necks. It took a little while, but he separated the heads from their bodies. He did it to make sure they stayed down.

(y/n): there, time to make sure they stay dead

He put the bodies in the trash bags and ensured the heads were not near the necks. He used the mop and bucket to take care of the blood. He dragged the bags to the nearest furnace. (y/n) struggled to fit both bodies in.

(y/n): come on, you stupid... Finally.

He turned it on. He stayed until it was done burning just to be sure. He saw there were only ashes and bit of burned clothing left. (y/n) figured the loss of blood and being decapitated really impacted their regeneration and toughness. (y/n) left to his home and said.

(y/n): two with one trap. Now there is just one more left.

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