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The tires screeched as Rafe's Dirtbike quickly came to a halt. You grabbed onto Rafe's arm and begged him not to do this, you did not want JJ and Rafe To fight. I think its pretty obvious here who was going to win if they fought anway. JJ knew it too, he Knew that if Rafe and Him ever fought again, that Rafe would actually kill him this time.

"Rafe - Please. I swear. He doesn't mean it like that, he's just trying to get on your nerves. Rafe!! PLEASE! PLEASE!" You cried.

"Y/N, he's taking whats mine. I dont fuck with that shit." He said, harshly back to what you had just cried. He had a tone in his voice like it he was heartless and he wanted to beat the actual living fucking shit out of JJ.

"Okay- Listen to me, Rafe. Im all yours, Okay?? We can go back home now and- and- You can d-do whatever you possibly want to me?? Okay?? Like kind of taking your anger out of me.

"Y/n, Im sorry. But I cant." And with that, Rafe turned his back to face you and went in to JJ's House.

"MAYBANK WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU." You hear Rafe yell, you jumped.

"Rafe- Please stop it." You pleaded, But Rafe just ignored you and continued searching around the house for JJ.

A couple minutes passed and Rafe had finally came to the realization that JJ had left his house.

"Im gonna fucking find him. YOU HEAR THAT MAYBANK! IM GONNA FUCKING FIND YOU!." He yelled.

"Rafe- Please." You quietly said. Giving up on him, on this, on us.

"Lets just go back home. Im not going to do this with you, and your not going to do this with me. Your not going to touch JJ." You said, Rafe came closer to you, but you stood your ground and looked and sounded brave even though, on the inside, you were absolutely shitting your pants.

"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it?? Huh-
Y/N, Sleep with him, Go right ahead." Rafe replied.

"I'll will sleep with him, then you wont just have to kill JJ, you'll also have to kill me too."

"Go then- Go fucking sleep with him. You slut."

"I will." You turned around and called JJ.

After 3 rings, he picked up.

"Hey Y/n, What's up?" JJ said happily.

"Come to your house, Your gonna fuck me, Okay?." You said loudly, on purpose for Rafe to hear.

"Um- Okay!."  JJ said with a happier tone in his voice then the one he had before.

"Im going to start getting undressed because when you get here I just want you to fuck the shit outta me!! Okay??" You said, looking over at Rafe who was already glaring at you.

"Okay- Um Y/N, Quick Question-." JJ said quickly.

"What's up babe." You replied back with.

"Um- Are you drunk?? Or High or something. Because I dont want you to regret it, You know?." JJ said hesitantly,

"no, Im not drunk or high JJ. Im completely sober! Ive just come to realize things. Like that Rafe is fucking asshole that only wants to cause trouble and hurt me, but you-, No, your not like that." You whimpered.

"Rafe is an ass." JJ said agreeing with you.

"Yeah, I know. I hate him. Im going to start getting undressed now, Ill be waiting for you, JJ" You said

" Y/N, Your gonna be calling me Papa JJ by the end of the night." He said.

You giggled and hung up the phone.

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